
622 16 8

I wake up in a hospital bed. Alone.


Where is he?

I can't move, the pain in my leg is too much, so i call a nurse.

"Hello, Miss Swift, your finally awake, how are you feeling?" I just want to know where Harry is.

"Im fine, thank you. Uh, do you know where Harry is, Harry Styles?" Please, please say she does.

"I will go and check Miss Swift" she says politely.

"Please..Call me Taylor" i say with a reassuring smile.

I sit here waiting for five minutes and theres still no sign of the nurse or Harry.
I am just about to get up when she arrives again.

"Taylor, Mr Styles is asleep right now, he was very tired, he inhaled a lot of smoke and also sprained his knee, you must feel very alone, would you like to go and see him?" She asks.
Thank god he is okay.

"Yes please, i can't walk though..My le-"
She interrupts me "it's fine, we have a wheelchair for you" she smiles.

I get taken to Harrys ward, and there he is, asleep with his leg in a cast and an oxygen mask to help him breathe.

"Thank you, Miss..?" I wait for her to tell me her last name.

"Oh its Mrs Hay, I'm married" she says as she checks Harry is alright.

"Thank you, could i ask you a favour, again? If its no trouble"
I need to know about Niall and Selena too.

"Sure, what can I get for you?" She smiles.

"I just need news about who I was also in the crash with? There was two people in my car with us and two other cars that had crashed, they were all my friends and well Harry is my boyfriend and i guess i need to know, if thats okay?"
I lie about them 'all' being my friends.

"Definitely, will try my best" she nods.

"Thank you" I smile at her again as she walks out.

"Boyfriend huh?" Harry speaks and snaps me out of my gaze.

"Your awake, how you feeling? I didn't know you sprained your knee, I could have helped with Niall" I take his hand in mine.

" is he?" I never saw how bad he was, and to be fair; I'm glad I didn't cause it would of broke my heart.

"I sent the nurse to get information on everyone who was involved in the crash, how bad was Niall?.." I asked while looking at the floor.

Harry's face dropped and he looked hurt just thinking about it.
"Bad, and believe be when i say that. His seatbelt looked snapped"

My heart drops, what if he doesn't wake up..I'm angry, i want to know what the fuck happened.

"He was driving carefully and looking at the road, he was sober and nothing was w-wrong, harry what if he wont make it or sel-" I'm starting to panic, I have no idea what to do with myself

"Baby, calm down, it will all be okay; the police will do their job and figure out what's happened" he reassures me.
There's a knock at the door and the same nurse walks in.

"So i got the information you wanted and there were in fact 5 others apart from you both, involved in the crash, and their names are:
Niall Horan
Selena Gomez
Calvin Harris
Kendall Jenner
And Ed Sheeran"

Ed. Me and Harry look at each other with worry, why was he in L.A? he should be in London.

"Thank you, could me and Harry have a minute please?" I politely ask.
She nods then leaves the room.

"Harry what the fuck was Ed doing driving through L.A? He should be in London"
I am so confused but praying he is okay.

"Its his girlfriends birthday and she was over here, i was going to take you over to Ed's later as a surprise"

Oh my god.

I wake up next to Harry, his bed is bigger than mine and i didn't want to leave him, i pull my hospital gown up and look at the dressing over my thigh, i get up to see if I can walk.. and I can, only with a limp.

Harry will need crutches, but i want to get discharged, I've always hated hospitals, I move over to wake Harry up.

"Babe, wake up" I whisper.
His eyes flutter open and adjust to the light.

"Mmm?" He groans

"Haz I'm going to get discharged, I don't know about you but i do, will you be okay here while I go home?"
He gets up of the bed and grabs the crutches, he can walk, better than I expected actually.

"I'm coming with you" he says.

"Are you sure Harry?" I look at his knee and doubt his words.

He nods, i walk over and kiss him.
I go to my ward to get my things, i go to changed and then call my driver to tell him to make his way here.

I walk back to Harrys ward and he was changed too, with mine and his medication in a bag.

"My driver is coming, i was thinking we could go home, have a shower and get some sleep and then come back here and speak to Selena and see how everyone else is doing? And also speak to the police?" I ask him.

"Sounds great, i need food more than anything, can we stop at mcdonalds on the way home?" He grins.

"Yeah we can, we also need to stop at yours to get some of your things, you can say at mine since i don't have as many stairs as you. I'm getting the locks changed because of Calvin" my voice gets bitter when I say his name.

He nods as he speaks "Okay princess".

We check with our doctors that it's okay to leave, so we get the all clear along with a few instructions to do with our injuries and head home.

We get food, along with Harrys things and were on our way to my place, I haven't let go of his hand nearly all day.
"I love you so much harry" I whisper.

We turn to look at each other and he looks shocked, i hope it's cause of how random it was.

"And I love you too tay, for infinity" he squeezes my hand.
"For infinity" I say as I squeeze his back.

Sorry, I know this chapter isnt too great, it's just a filler really and to get the aftermath of the crash across. The drama will start to pick up now, thank you to those who read and comment x

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