The maybe baby.

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Taylor's P.O.V

"What do you think?" I ask him as I hold my pen In my mouth. I tilt my head to the side and read over what I've written again.

"I think you should come back and lie down with me" I turn my head to look at the man who I'm completely in love with. He's lying on my bed with only my silk white sheets covering his toned, inked but unbelievably sexy body.

I just smile as I shake my head "Harry I'm serious! It's the end of June and I haven't even thought of a name for my album yet" he stands up, puts some sweats and a black t-shirt on and sits down at the end of my bed.

"You still have a month Tay, it's release date isn't until July the 27th. I'm going downstairs with your parents, my mum, Gemma and Liam are arriving in two hours, see you down there babe" he kisses my lips quickly and then leaves the room.

I sigh as I close my notebook. He's right, I have a month. I've got dinner to cook.

Me and Harry are still just friends. Well with benefits, our families know that we were best friends again but not that we have sex. The only people who know that is Cara, Louis and Gemma.

I'm in love with him, yes. But I've met this amazing guy called Kyle. And yeah he's not famous but he's attractive, he's British, kind and doesn't judge me for who I am.

Harry knows that I kind of like Kyle. But he also knows Im still love him. Harry hasn't met anyone and that worries me.

"Tay get down here" my mums voice echoes through my house. I get up and put my skirt on with my white tank top. I look in the mirror and really take myself in.

My hair comes to just below my boobs, my legs are tanned from the holiday me and Harry got back from yesterday. My eyes are bluer than ever. I'm happy, and Im glowing.

I smile and check my outfit.
My skirt comes to just above mid thigh and my top exposes my newly tanned skin. Thank god for the Jamaican sun that my body has been under for the past two weeks.

And I have to say me and Harry had a good time. His hair is still short but more curly, his skin is amazingly tanned and his body is more toned as he's been going to gym every morning. His eyes are more green too, and he's smiling more. Like me.

We're both finally happy.

"Tayl-" I cut my mom off by shouting back.

"Bloody hell, wait a second!!" I spray on some perfume, put my sandals on and go downstairs.

"Hey" I say as I go to my fridge to grab some bottled juice.

"Well don't you look tanned honey" I walk into my living room and see my dad and Harry watching football with Liam. When did Liam get here?

My mum is sat at my dining table on my laptop.

"Thanks dad, it was amazing there, wasn't it Harry?" I walk through my living room, I trip on the cat and drop my drink. I bend down to pick it up and sit on the single chair in the corner by the t.v as I pull my phone out.

"Yeah, it was apparently really hot too" Liam groans and I laugh.

"I bet you wish you came now Liam" he nods and focuses on the television. My dad stands up and walks into my dining room to mum, my eyes move over to Harry who is staring at me with lust In his eyes.

He grins as my cheeks flush, again, he rakes his eyes down my legs, I look at the bulge in his pants and my eyes widen. Was it from when I dropped my drink?

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as Harry immediately stands up and walks upstairs.

"What's up with him?" Liam asks as his eyebrows draw together with confusion.

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