You sure didnt look good enough.

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Taylor's P.O.V
I stand in the freezing rain relentlessly ringing my brothers doorbell. I reach for my phone in my coat pocket but it's not there.

I rummage around with the plant pots and try to find a spare key, I accidentally knock one over and it smashes.

"Shit, he's going to kill me" I start to move the glass to the side when I finally find a bronze, shiny key. Thank god; I'm soaked, freezing, and In need of a shower.

I unlock the door then step inside, I walk upstairs into my old room and run into my on suit bathroom. When the warm, soothing water hits me I instantly feel better.

After I finish my shower, I head into my room and rummage through some clothes I left here ages ago, well, months ago.

I find some long pyjamas trousers and a jumper, I can't seem to find any socks, but Austin has carpet anyway.

I don't know how long I plan on staying here but I know I'm not ready to see him just yet. I try to push forget him for the moment and I go to the kitchen and look at the calendar upon the fridge.

-Holiday to Italy with Rose and George-

So they left yesterday an won't be back until next Wednesday, great.
I huff and look around the kitchen to see if there's anything I can snack on, I find nothing.

The freezer. Whenever Austin and Lucy argue she always ends up with some ice cream, there's bound to be some in there.

I practically run to the freezer and whip it open, I find about four tubs of ice cream.

I pick the chocolate brownie ice cream and sit in the front room, I look around not knowing what to do, at all.

I turn on Netflix to find a film, there is nothing that I feel like watching. I go onto romance and find 13 going on 30, I decide to go with that since I haven't seen it in years.

I wake up with a thud, I open my eyes and the room is dark, the only light beaming from the television that's playing a new film. I look around to figure out where the thud came from. I look down and see the tub of ice cream on the floor, the spoon must be under the couch.

I stand up and switch the lamp on, it's 4am.

I bend down and pick the ice cream off the floor, I reach my hand under the couch to get the spoon, I find it, along with two other metal objects.

I open my hand and see mine and Harry's old engagement rings. How did these get here? My mind suddenly goes back to my birthday when I pulled out the cross necklace from the box, as I heard something else fall to the floor. He gave them back to me.

Do I feel angry? Sad? Happy? We were going through a bad patch then, why did I have to find these now.

For the past three hours I have been sat on the couch staring at the rings. I haven't moved, and I don't know if I want to.
I really want to know why he gave them back, but would it be worth asking now?

It's 7:15, so I drag myself upstairs to bed. I have to sleep otherwise I will go crazy, I push the door open and collapse on the bed, with both rings in my hand.

A phone ringing wakes me up, I move my body to the other side of the bed and groan as I try to get back to sleep.
The ringing suddenly stops and I finally get back to sleep.

Ringing. Again. This time it's more frequent.
I get up out of bed and walk downstairs. I follow the irritating noise, it leads me to Austin's house phone.

Don't. Don't pick it up Tay. I don't, instead I turn it to 'Do not disturb' and walk into the kitchen, I look outside and see that it's dark.

What? I run into the living room and look at the clock, it's 1am. I slept for 17hours.. 

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