Don't call me that. I'm nearly 18.

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I wake to to the feeling of Harry's hair tickling my neck. I smile, keeping my eyes closed. I'm sure he's awake, staring at me.

"Don't stare" I mutter, moving onto my side, my back to him. I hear him gasp, followed by his lips moving down the back of my neck. Goosebumps rise on my skin, as my lips part.

"Stop, babe. I need to shower and go to the toilet" I get out of bed, jogging across the cold, wooden floor, to reach the toilet.

"That was a view" Harry shouts, clapping his hands. I hear his footsteps pad across the floor, they get louder as he gets closer. Rolling my eyes, I finish up on the toilet. I finish pulling my panties back up when he enters, with a grin on his face.

"You're in a great mood today" I say, moving towards him, wrapping my arms around his warm neck. He winks at me, picking me up and placing me onto the bathroom side, next to the sink.

"I know. Probably because I got laid last night" he whispers in my ear, before moving away to turn the shower on. I gasp, my jaw dropping.

"Keep being cocky and you won't get laid again for a long time" I shoot back, playfully. He laughs, coming back over to kiss me. I immediately respond, loving the feel of his lips against mine.

"Your lips tell me otherwise, baby" he mumbles against the side of my mouth. Raising an eyebrow, I tut, waving my finger in front of his face.

"No, for real, I mean what I said" I smile, pushing him back and jumping down. Tearing off the shirt and my panties, I throw them into the washing basket. I take my hair down and step into the shower.

The warm, almost scolding hot water feels good on my skin, the tense, and tight feeling that I've had over the past few weeks leaves my body. Although, I don't feel like it's this shower that's done that. It's the man who's climbing into the shower behind me.

"God, this feels nice" he says, his hands slipping round my waist, he moves closer to me. My heart beat gets quicker, I already know what he wants to do.

I turn around, lacing my arms around his neck. I jump up, wrapping my legs around him. He smirks instantly, moving to press me against the wall.

"You sure, baby?" He mumbles, moving to kiss me. I nod, squeezing his bicep. I wait, as my eyes stay closed. But nothing happens.

I open one eye, looking at him. His looking down, holding himself. His eyebrows are furrowed, as he tries to hold me up still.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, looking down. He's not hard.

"It won't get up. I don't get why" he says, and my stomach drops. Is it me? Am I not good looking enough for him? Shit. I push my thoughts away, shaking my head.

I get down and fall to my knees. I push his hands away, taking him into my own. I stroke him, up and down, licking the tip of him.

He still doesn't do anything, I give up and get to my feet. Taking his hand in mine, I smile at him. Ignoring the insecure part of my mind that's practically nagging at me.

"It's okay, the moment was rushed. Let's clean up yeah?" I say, kissing him slowly. I pull back and quickly peck him again. I grab the shampoo, and do his hair for him, his eyes fall shut as his hands grip onto my waist.

He goes on to do my hair, as we stay under the hot boiling water. I embrace him, and let him hold me as the water falls over us.

When my skin starts to go all wrinkly and soft, I shut off the water and climb out of the shower. The cold, fresh air hits my body, goosebumps rising instantly. I pull a towel off the rack and wrap it around myself.

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