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Harry's P.O.V

"Marry me"

She's silent. She doesn't move in my arms for a good few minutes. Have I fucked up?

Soon she turns her head around and looks at me.

I open the draw next to me and pull out a box.
I open it and she gasps straight away.

"It's beautiful Harry, oh my god"
I take her hand in mine as I wait for her to say something. 


She takes a breath and closes her eyes for a moment.
"Well you know I love you right? And I'm not saying yes or no, I'm going to think about it okay?" She tells me. As he eyes lock onto mine.

"Okay baby, I'm excited for the holiday" I change subject.

"I know me too"
She leans in, kisses me and then leans over to turn the T.V off.  She lies back down with her head on my chest.

"Goodnight Harry. I love you so much"

"Goodnight Taylor. I love you so very much too"

I can't sleep at all, and i know she can't either cause she keeps on tracing my tattoos with her index finger.

"Can't sleep?" I mumble, my voice startles her a little as she jumps in my arms.

"No, to many things on my mind" she replies.

"Want to go and see Ed?"
I actually want to go alone, but she might want to come along with me.

"No I'm okay baby. I'm going to go to Karlies and speak to her"

I get up off the bed, put some of my skinny jeans and a jumper on with a beanie.

Tay also gets up and put on some sweats with a crop top.  We grab everything else as we leave and lock the house up.

Its only 10:30 and hopefully we should both be back soon. And not out all night.

"See you later babe, phone me in a bit okay?"
She kisses me and runs her hands through my hair.

"Yes I will. You too Haz"
I wrap her in my arms before i go to my car as she walks to hers.

I let her pull out of the drive first and i hear her radio play.  I just want silence.

"Hey bud, how you been? You will never guess what's happened tonight"

Ed looks better, the nurse says he is really improving, his skins lighter and his bags under his eyes have faded away.

"Well i fucking proposed to Tay didn't i. And she said she doesn't know, i think I fucked it up man"
I just stare at him, me and him were meant to be traveling soon, just us, in Brazil.

I start to cry.

"Please wake up Ed, i need your advice, you were there for both us through our other break ups and arguments. You need to be here now, to persuade her to say yes" I grab his hand and hold it.

"You know i think your Missus is getting sexually frustrated too" i laugh to myself. I start to ramble on about everything and everyone to him. It feels nice. It feels like I'm giving him reasons to hold on.

I look at my watch and see that's it's 11:22.
"Okay bud, I'm gonna leave this here and get going. I love you loads, wake up soon"

I can't go home yet, so i drive to the one person i know i can speak to.


Taylor's P.O.V
I'm still out on Karlie's drive thinking whether i should go in or not...she's the only one I feel like i can speak to about this.

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