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"Harry you ready?"

"Yeah. I'm just getting my phone"
In the end I decided to wear a 2 piece dress that I brought a few weeks ago, I just hope harry likes it.

He comes running down the stairs and he stops in his tracks when he sees me.
"You look fucking stunning baby"

I blush and i look to the floor.
"You don't look too bad yourself" i walk over to him, put my arms round his neck and kiss him.

After a few minutes of making out i pull away.
"We need to go otherwise were going to be late"
He clears his throat and grabs his keys.

"What! The snow has melted and the suns out" He pulls a tantrum and i roll my eyes with a smile.

"Come on get in the car"

We drive to his mums place. Im so nervous, I haven't seen his mum or Gemma in years.

"They never stopped liking you Tay, don't worry"
My eyes widen.

"Wha- How did you know i was thinking about that?"
He smiles "You were shaking your leg up and down and you kept on licking your lips, and you do that when your nervous"
I smile as he grabs my hand and holds it.

We get to his mums and all the lights are off, it is 6pm, and it's February. It's bound to get dark earlier.

Everyone should be here. Including Niall because he should of been discharged about an hour ago.

"Come on" i say, practically dragging him.
I open the door and lead him to the living room.


Over 50 people were here, some others either couldn't make it or just didn't bother.
"Was this all you?" He asks me, he looks so happy.

"A little, yeah" i laugh.

"God I love you" he says as he kisses my head.

"Harry, Happy birthday my baby boy"
Anne runs over and immediately takes Harry in her arms.

"Tay! Hello beautiful, how are you?" She hugs me and all my worries are put to rest.

"Im fine thank you Anne, how are you?"
She smiles and puts her hand on my cheek.

"Im fine now that you are both here, Taylor me and you need a catch up, Once you have said hello to everyone i will be cooking in the kitchen, come and join me"

"I will do, I'm looking forward to it"
She kisses mine and Harrys heads.

"Harry, go and say hi to everyone and introduce Tay" she shouts to him.

"I will mum"

Anne leaves and Harry takes my hand as we go round everyone.
His family are so kind and caring, they are certainly some of the nicest people I've met.

"Harold, missed me?"
I hear two voices that I recognise, me and Harry turn around and see Louis and Liam, Louis is with Danielle and Liam is alone.

"Hey you two! Thanks for coming. how you both doing?" Harry tells them as they hug each other.

"Good, me and Cheryl are going official soon"
Liam and Cheryl? Thats new.

"Im not too bad mate, just putting up with this one, and spending time with Freddie" Louis says as he pulls Danielle closer and kisses her.

"Anyway how are you two doing, when did this happen again" Louis points at me and Harry.

"Well Hello to you too Lou" i laugh

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