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Taylor's P.O.V
I wake up to Harry on the phone, I take in his facial expressions and he looks pissed off.
I sit up, and instantly feel an ache at the bottom of my stomach. I lie back down and breathe, I'm probably just due on for my time of the month.

I look out the window at the sky, it's still relatively dark, rays of sun are just seeping through the horizon. I stare in awe. I feel a breeze and get back under the covers as wait for him to finish his phone call.

"Morning, are you okay? Who was that?"
He smiles and walks over to the bed, he climbs back in and pulls me closer.

"Im fine. And it was a interviewer asking for me and Kendall to go in. No one has seen me and you yet, so they think everything is still as it was a few months ago. I said no though" he tells me. I snuggle further into him and run my hand over his tattoos.

I'm so fed up of this, i want me and Harry to be able to go out together not caring about anything. Obviously we fucking can't.
He knows something's up, so he tilts my chin up to I'm at eye level with him and he kisses me.

"I want to go public too" he says, practically voicing my thoughts.
"But we cant yet, because my management. Oh yeah, I'm uh, breaking apart from modest.." He whispers into my hair. I shoot up and stare down at him.

"What?! Harry that is your bands management, are you quitting the band?" He quickly shakes his head and pulls me back down again.

"No baby, i just want to do my own thing for abit"
I understand, so I nod and peck his cheek.

After a few minutes talking about us I start to feel weird. I lift the sheets to get out of bed and look down. I groan as I see a speck of blood on the sheets.

"For fuck sake. Harry I'm so sorry i will buy you new sheets" I panic as I feel my cheeks heat up. I stand awkwardly at the side of the bed, he sits up and takes my hand in his as he shakes his head.

"Tay I don't care, I can just throw them away, i have plenty of others. Want me to ask Gemma for something for you.. Like you know?" I nod as i cover my face with my hands. I hear him get out of bed and his footsteps, they get closer to me. He pries my hands away from my face and wraps his arms around me.

"Its natural Tay, don't be embarrassed"
I nod into his chest, I kiss him hard. After a few heated moments I can tell he wants to take it further, but he knows he can't. So he pulls away and goes to Gemma's room.

Around 2 minutes later he comes back with both a tampon and a pad.
"I don't know what you use, so i got both"
It's his turn for his cheeks to turn red as I giggle. I head over to him and take them from his hands.

"Just for future references, i use a tampon"
He nods and turns even more red, i kiss his cheek and jog to the bathroom.

I go to clean up when I see the shower, I call Harry and take my top off.

"Harry, come here?"
I hear the door open.

"Can you get me some of my clothes and underwear so i have a shower, please?"

He head into his room. I put my clothes in the laundry basket and get into the shower. The water hits me and makes me feel slightly better. The ache dulls down a bit but I feel clean.

Once I'm showered and ready, Harry jumps in the shower too. Once I'm ready, I hear Harry humming to himself in the shower, so I decide to go on my phone. I open Twitter and look at the trends.

I chuckle to myself and scroll down my mentions. Most of them saying I've been too 'MIA' I shake my head as I laugh and I decide to put all of them at rest and tweet something.

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