False Alarm.

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Taylor's P.O.V

We are ready, and we both look like idiots who can hardly walk. I have a white dress won that was mid-thigh length so only half of my dressing is visible, and harry wore his usual black skinny jeans, which are a fucking pain to get onto him with his sprained knee, as he also wore a Calvin Klein hoodie.

"Taylor, did Selena need anything?" Harry snaps me out of my gaze when he speaks.

"Errm no, i think her mum took everything over last night, she might want some food though so I'm going to get some for her" Harry nods, i know that Selena hates hospital food, she refuses to eat it.

"Want the radio on?" I ask smiling at Harry.

"Sure, go for it" he replies.

One of Calvin's songs come on and his voice instantly sends shivers through me, so I change the station.

Me and Harry smile at each other as we start singing the best we can at the top of our lungs to his song, once it stops we are at Mcdonalds and I'm out of breath.
Once I calm down I order the food and start driving again.

"Hey haz?" I ask.


"Was perfect about me..or was that just a rumour?.."
He smiled.

"It was, I didn't want to reveal it cause of Calvin and it would start a lot of things, so the band and my friends kept it between us " he admits.

Im sure my heart skips a beat when he says that, i have wanted to hear those words for months.

"I guess i don't really need to explain my songs do i?" I laugh.

"They meant a lot to me tay, i was just too late to tell you" he looks at me.

"Well look at us now babe" I say as I take his hand in mine.

We kiss and i pull into the hospital car park.

We go to reception and ask for Selena Gomez, we get given the directions to were she was.

"Hey Sel!" I have missed her so much.

"Hey you two, God it's so boring in here" she chuckles before avoiding our eyes.
She is acting different..and i don't know why.

"Hey baby, can you go and get me and Selena a hot chocolate, get yourself one too" I ask Harry to try and get rid of him for a bit.
He nods and he kisses my cheek.

"Selena spill, something is up i can tell"
She bows her head and looks around.

"Don't tell anyone please.." She begs
What the fuck..shes worrying me.
I nod and smile.

"Im 6 weeks pregnant"
My jaw instantly drops.

"W-what?!?, don't you and Niall use protection? If not your surely on the pill?"
Well thats a shock to my system.

"Well we were in the shower and we forgot" she blushes.

Then it hit me.
Me and Harry never used protection either.

"Sel i will be right back okay, I promise" I run out of her room just as I hear her reply.

"Okay tay" she shouts.

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