Noodles and Ice Cream.

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"Harry?" I call his name so he can zip my dress up, I've already curled my hair and done my make up. I just need to put my dress on along with my heels.

"Yeah?" His voice echoes through my house as his footsteps pound against my floor.
I move my hair to one side and walk to my mirror.

"What's up Tay?" He stands in my doorway holding onto the door handle.

"Can you zip my dress?" I turn around and immediately I feel his warm hands trace my back up and down.

"Zip it up Harry, don't start anything" I smirk as I hear him chuckle. He finally zips it up and I put my heels on.

I make sure I have everything and walk downstairs to join Harry.
I'm sure he can hear my heels as once I reach the bottom of my stairs he turns around to look at me.

"You look stunning baby" I smile and look at the floor as a blush makes its way onto my cheeks.

"Thank you" I mumble, once I look up I see him blatantly staring as me so I look at my clock

"Harry! It's 7:45 we have to be at Selena's and Niall's in fifteen minutes" I run to get my coat and keys and then to the door where Harry is standing, waiting for me.

"We will make it" he says as we walk next to each other.

"I really hope so. For your sake" I grin as his eyes widen.

We reach Selena's in time, just a few minutes late.
Everyone was already there so as soon as our car pulls up Niall comes over to the window and tells us to meet them at the club.

"Harry do you want kids? And marriage?" I blurt out.

I look at him and see his eyes narrow.
"Why would you ask? Of course I do Taylor, we nearly had all of that. But after everything..I think I'm going to wait a while" I understand him completely, it must be harder for him though.

"What are we doing?" I whisper as I push my head back onto the seat.

"I don't know Taylor, you know I want you. But you're always making excuses for us. Is it because of Kyle?" His voice is shaky and calm as he speaks.

"No it's not because of him. And I don't mean to make excuses, I just don't know if we're strong enough for each other again"
I can see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

"I'm leaving to go to London early. I'm leaving next Friday" my stomach drops, and I feel myself turn cold.

"What? W-why?" Is he kidding me? It's not even August yet, he comes back in October. He knows I need him.

"I was thinking, maybe you need time to figure out what you want"

"Harry, earlier we were having sex and telling each other we love each other and now your saying this?" My voice is getting higher. I hate our arguments.

"Yeah I am. It's for your sake, look were nearly here so let's just have a good night and talk about this tomorrow okay?" He pulls up around the back of the club and leans to face me.

"Yeah, okay" I hold back my tears, I feel him kiss me, I instantly pull his body to mine and hug him.

"I can never lose you. No matter what relationship status we have. I love you" I say into his ear. He tightens the hug.

"You know that you will always have me. And I will always have you. I love you" we pull away and quickly kiss each other. I wipe the red lip stick off his lips as we both chuckle.

Once we are out of the car and are walking to the back entrance of the club we can already hear the music pounding against the building. I look at Harry and smirk. He's smirking too. We haven't been out in ages.

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