Beyond Happy.

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Taylor's P.O.V

I start to walk back to my hospital room, Selena and Niall left about 10 minutes ago while i stayed in the bathroom taking a shower.

I feel better but my skin is still burning, as its still fragile. So I decide put on some black bed shorts and a white tank top.

I stand at the door, too nervous to enter, but i just want Harry. After a few minutes I start to feel weak again, i need to get back on the machine as soon as possible.

I open the door but end up stumbling in. Harry snaps his head towards me, he gets up quickly, picks me up, places me on the bed. I recall him putting me back on the machine and I instantly feel better.

"Thank you babe"

"It's okay princess. Could we uh, talk maybe?"
I glance over at Harry who has lowered the T.V volume down and is sat on the couch next to my bed.

"Of course, you want to start?"
He nods as I see his Adam's apple bob up and down.

"We are going to try again right?"
Without even thinking I reply.

"Of course Harry, without a doubt"
I can tell by how his shoulders drop and his breathing slows that he's relieved.

"That's great, and you're not going to leave me are you?"
I sand up and walk over to him, i hold my left hand out so he can hold it. Soon enough, he stands up and eventually holds it.

"You see that ring? That means the world to me at the moment, but you, your my life and without you, I don't know where i would be. You will always have me, no questions asked, cause Harry, you're the love of my life and without you, I wouldn't be able to carry on"

I take my hand and place it on his cheek, i lean up and kiss his temple.
It was a delicate, meaningful kiss, so that he can feel how much he means to me.

"Tay, I don't know what to say cause you said it all, but just know that you have my heart and you will forever and I'm not normally this cheesy, but i want to grow old with you. This is more than hard for me and i know that you understand and I'm glad it's you that I'm going through this with"
My mouth turns up, i walked over to the door and lock it.

"You know, we never finished that episode of Scream Queens"
He grins and takes out his phone, we lie on my bed next to each other and watch it.
This is where i belong.
Its with Harry Styles.

I wake up and look over at Harry, he is asleep with his phone falling out of his hand, i grab it and look at the time 3:30am.
I decide to go and check his Twitter and Instagram, he doesn't mind me going through his phone cause he does this to me. We trust each other.

By the time I'm just about finished on Twitter i look up and notice lHarry is watching me. I jump.
"Shit Haz, don't do that" we burst out laughing.
"How long was you watching?"

He shrugs "bout 5 minutes, if you look its now 4am Tay"
I stretch, un attach myself from the machine and get up, i walk over to the window, and out to the city, it is beautiful. I opened the window and a amazing, cool breeze blows my hair back, i smile.

Harry soon joins me, we speak about how beautiful Tenerife is, from a distance you can just about see the beach.

I remember the first night here, not that long ago actually, I realise how normal it felt, but i, the idiot i am, fell to sleep and left Harry awake.

I walk over to the door and check its still locked, i pull the blinds up a little and see only a few lights on but they're from down the far end of the corridor, I double check no one can see or walk in.

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