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"Tay?" I wake up to Harry whispering my name.

"Tay" he says again, his breath fans over my neck as he speaks.

"Mmmh?" I turn around and bury my face in his neck.

"We need to wake up, it's two in the afternoon" my eyes shoot open and I sit up, only to collapse back down again as the room starts to spin.

"Holy shit. I feel like I'm going to be sick" i move so I'm lying on my back, I cover my mouth with my hand and close my eyes.

"Tay, I know you hate being sick but it's better out than in" I know Harry's right but I refuse to move.

I feel my mouth turn dry and bitter as I start to shake. The bile rises in my throat, I rip the covers off and run to Harry's bathroom.

I empty my stomach as I feel his hands pull my hair back, along with his hands stroking my back to soothe me.

"How much did I drink last night" I whisper as I move away from the toilet and sit against the cupboard.

"A lot. We both did, I was sick earlier on today, Gemma and Liam are asleep again as we uh, we woke them up I guess" he explains. Some memories of last night come flooding back. When we were laughing at Gemma's hair, when I said to Liam that he's grumpy for not getting sex of Gemma, and when me and Harry begged for noodles and ice cream.

"Shit, they must be so pissed at us after what we said to them last night" I stand up and turn the shower on.

"We were drunk, what did we say again?" He says in a confused time, I chuckle and roll my eyes as him as I climb into the shower.

"Can I join you?" He whispers, I open the shower door and nod for him to come in.
He gives me a sad smile as he takes his clothes off and soon joins me.

Once he's in an the shower door is shut I hug him. I remember, he told me he's leaving Friday. It's Saturday today, I have five or six days left with him until he leaves me for three months.

"What's this for Swift?"

"I'm going to miss you so much. Please don't forget me" he sighs at my words and pulls me in closer.

"I would never forget you, how could I?" He laughs, I smile into his neck and move my hands up and down his back.

I pull away and move up to kiss him. His hands grip my waist as mine get lost in his hair.

"Im still in love with you styles" I smirk as I love my lips away from his.

"And I'm still in love with you too baby. For infinity" butterflies erupt in my stomach and I can't help but kiss him again.

Monday Evening.

I walk through my front door, and hang my coat up.

"So how was the coffee with Kian?" Harry's voice echoes trough my kitchen as I walk in, he's cooking dinner and the whole room is a mess.

"Well, for one, his name is Kyle. And two, it was good, we're going for another one next Tuesday" I smile thinking about the coffee date we had.

I felt like I could speak to him about anything. I don't know how I'm not bouncing off my walls because I went through around six different types off coffees.

"Well did you kiss this Kyle?" He asks as he stirs the stir fry he's cooking.

"Just a peck on the lips, nothing major" I look at him and see his back tense.

I walk over and slip my hands up the back of his shirt, I stand on my tip toes to kiss his neck as I caress his back.

"Nothing like this though" I whisper in his ear.

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