I Missed Christmas Didn't I ?

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Taylor's P.O.V
I don't know what's going on, am I alive? I sure don't feel alive.

My chest feels crushed, my head is pounding like it's being hit by a hammer numerous of times, and I can tell my wrist and ankle are broken, but they don't feel as bad as I thought they would.

I can hear nurses and doctors in my room, saying things like "She will be okay" and "She is responding better than we thought" I don't know what to think. I can't even properly remember why I am even here.

I went to our old house. Someone was in there with me. Gemma was on the phone. I drove away and then I felt myself being thrown about.

Was I still drunk? Did someone crash into me?

I open one eye, briefly, the room is dim and the light is on the other side of the room. Thank god.

I now open both eyes, and clear my throat, it's dry, I need some water.

A nurse turns around, she hurries over to me.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling?" I try to smile.

"W-water" she instantly rushes to get me a bottle of water and a straw.

This is going to be a long day.

Three hours later I feel a little better, I'm told my wrist and leg will heal In two weeks. My chest will start to heal In a month and I can't do any physical activities. The gash on my head is already nearly healed.

I still haven't seen anyone yet, but I only want to see him. He's all I want.

The first person to walk into my room is Austin.
He looks tired, worn out and drained but his eyes are lit up with relief. He doesn't hug me, he knows he can't because of my chest, but he does take my hand in his.

"I've never been so scared for you, I missed you so much Teffy" I let myself smile.

"I know Aus, how long was I out for?" I ask looking at him as he sits down next to me.

"Around nearly two weeks" let out a shaky breath, j don't know how to feel.

"Has..uh, has he ca-"

"No" he cuts me off.

"Not once. And that's why we're all angry, Gemma and Liam have been here the whole time, even Anne and Des came to visit you. But he never did, and everyone, mostly Cara, it's annoyed at him" Austin carries on, I thought I'd be crying by now. But I'm not.

"That's okay, we both need to move on" the shock on Austin's face is clear.

"You know, I've never been so proud of you before, than I am now" I think I smile. The first genuine smile Ive managed to do weeks.

Throughout the day, everyone visits, Mum and Dad keep checking up on me, being the paranoid parents they usually are.

Niall, Selena, Louis and Dani stayed for a good two hours, telling me stories about Joey and Freddie. I even laugh a little.

Karlie and Ed stayed until a few minutes ago, I had notice some awkward tension between them both. But I didn't bring anything up, they left when it hit 10pm as they both have work tomorrow.

And now I'm currently alone. I am watching an episode of friends as Selena brought the box set up for me.

I hear my belly rumble as I lean over to get my phone, after a few minutes I give up as I can't reach.

I lie back with my eyes closed, I hear the door open and my eyes instantly shoot open.

Cara is stood at the end of my bed with a McDonald's in her hands.

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