Life Changer.

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"Can we go to bed now? I'm freezing" I chuckle as I look up at Harry. We have been staring at the stars for a while now. But it's December and it's too cold to fall to sleep out here.

"I was just about to say that, come on lets go" he gets off first and helps me down. We jog back to the house as the wind nips at our skin.

As soon as I step foot into his house warmth hits me, I hear Harry lock the door. I glance at the clock and see it's 4am.

"We were out there for a while" I say as I follow Harry upstairs.

"I know, I lost track of time" he chuckles, I smile and climb the last step. I wait for him.

"So I'm sleeping in the room i was in earlier?" I as as I walk towards the door, Harry follows and opens the door for me.

"Yeah. I sleep in here most nights, so it should feel more homely" he mumbles as I start to feel bad.

"Uh-okay, well goodnight" I kiss his cheek and hug him. He kisses my forehead and leaves the room shortly after.

I climb into bed and check my phone. I have many messages off Kyle, so I call him.


"Taylor. Where are you?" I roll my eyes, and shake my head.

"Harry's mums" I lie a little as I hear him growl.

"Why are you there? You should be at home" I scoff as his breathing picks up.

"Alone? Like I have been for the past few nights. Kyle I won't marry you if you keep treating me like this. You're not like you used to be and to be honest, it's making me question things" I blurt out, he's silent and I feel my eyes well up.

"I'm sorry. Baby why didn't you tell me you felt like this?" I shake my head to myself as he carries on rambling on about it.

"Kyle I will see you tomorrow okay? Good night" I say as I wait for his reply.

"I love you" he croaks out, he's close to crying.

"Love you too, Ky" I hang up the phone and turn it off. I roll on to my side and Harry's scent fills my nose.

I feel cold and alone in here. I also feel bad, this is technically his room, he's sleeping in her room. He obviously hates it. I climb out of bed and walk to get him.

But he's walking towards me, topless, only in his boxers. I run towards him, he picks me up and smashes his lips into mine.

My hands move to his hair as his curls get lost through my fingers. I've missed him.
He presses me against the wall, his mouth moving down my neck towards my breasts.

The shirt I'm wearing is soon ripped off by him as things become way more heated. I pull his face up to meet mine as we lose ourselves in the kiss.

His tongue enters my mouth as his hands get rid of my bra. My breasts meet his warm chest, my skin heats up instantly.

He moves us into the bedroom and he carefully lies me down on the bed. I pull him down on top of me, his hands in my hair. His lips on my skin.

I moan as he sucks on my nipple, his hands pull my panties down my legs, slowly. He peppers kisses down my stomach and down my legs.

I sigh, but I soon let a moan out when I feel his tongue press against my core unexpectedly. My fingers lace themselves through his hair.

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