Chapter 2

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I awake in unfamiliar surroundings. My head pounds in pain. I look down to see that both of my hands are tied to the bed frame. I'm still in my bathrobe. I try to quietly untie myself. Suddenly, the bedroom door squeaks open. It's JAI!!!

He rubs his bare stomach and says, "Well, look who has finally awoken! I'm terribly sorry to do this to you. We need to leave very soon so I'm going to take you back to your house so that you can pack some things." "What-What makes you so sure I'm going to go with you? Why are you doing this to me?! Let me-Let me go, cunt!!!!!" I stutter, shaking in anger.

Jai stiffens and clenches his fists tightly. He walks up to me. "Look, I'm a nice guy and I don't want to hurt you, but if you don't fucking listen to me... you're going to regret it. I will answer your questions later. We need to go get your things now." I yell in response, "Nice guy?! Are you fucking kidding me??" I laugh bitterly, shaking my head. "I just met you yesterday! You broke into my house while I was showering to kidnap me and now you're telling me I have to go with you??!! LET ME GO JAI!!!!"

Angrily, Jai grabs me by my hair and looks me in the eye; our noses almost touch. "For the last time Bella... Do as I fucking tell you!! I need you to pretend to be my wife. We are going to Texas to pick up something before we drop it off in Washington. Are we clear?" I reply shakily, "Pick up what? Drugs? No fucking thank you, dirt bag. I said let me go!!" Jai hits the wall next to us. He takes a deep breath, "Bella... You're starting to get pissed off. Just accept that this is your new life! You're not going back to your old one. Now, let's go!!!"

Jai proceeds to untie me. My robe almost falls off. He chuckles and I spit on him. "Big mistake." Pushing me roughly against the wall, Jai holds my hands above my head. As I look him in the eyes, he presses his body against mines. "Wow. This is really turning me on. Omg, wtf am I thinking?! This guy kidnapped me!"

Jai removes one hand and quickly pulls a gun out of his pocket. He rests it on my chest. I scream inside, "Omg, he is so fucking hot!" I shake my head in an attempt to dispel my unsanctioned thoughts. "But he's fucking crazy." Jai presses his lips to my neck and my legs get weak. I moan softly. Pointing the gun to my stomach, he whispers, "Bella, you're being a very, very bad girl. Do you want to find out how I punish bad girls?" I wrap my leg around his waist and whisper back, "Show me what you do to punish bad girls," hoping that reverse psychology would make him let me go.

Jai smirks in response and puts the gun back into his pocket. He lets go of my wrists, caresses my left thigh. He huskily breathes into my ear, "Jump." I jump onto him. Jai kisses me and walks us over to the bed. He lays me down and kisses my neck, biting softly. I think frantically, "As much as I'm enjoying this, I have to find a way to contact the police." Jai starts to undo his pants. Soon, he's only in his boxers. He then unties my robe slowly. I kick him in the balls. Jai yelps in agony. I run out of the room. I glance back. A boy with green eyes grabs me.

Jai limps out of the room in his pants. "Thanks Beau." He points his gun to my head. "Don't you ever try to escape again or I will hurt you," he growls. Beau says, "So I'm guessing this is the girl that you told me about. Doctor, whatever her name is?" "It's Bella to you," I snap at him. "I'm Jai's brother," Beau replies calmly. Jai points his gun down and interrupts, "She is going to help me with the job and pretend to be my wife and shit. I need to transport the drugs to Carlos, who's waiting in Washington. She's a doctor so she can help us if we get hurt."

"As for your information Jai, I don't specialize in injuries," I say, lying a little. "I work in Labor and Delivery." "Liar," he accuses me. "Every doctor is trained in that injury shit. My mom used to be a pediatrician and she still knew how to attend to a gun wound," Jai says. "Whatever," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"You little fucks, hurry up! We leave in 20 minutes," a boy that looked exactly like Jai but with a lip piercing urges. Jai looks at me. "That's my twin brother Luke." "I don't give a fuck about who he is," I snap. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as Jai hits me with the pistol of his gun. I drop to the floor, breathless. He kneels down to me and whispers into my ear, threatening me, "I don't have time for your bullshit! Don't disrespect my brothers ever again!" "Hey! Be nice to the poor girl Jai! She just got here, you asshole!" Luke berates him, pulling him away.

Beau huffs in exasperation, "No need for that shit right now. We have things to do." Jai picks me up by my arms and tells Beau & Luke that we are going to my house to get me packed for the trip. Jai allows his brothers to walk ahead, holding onto me. As he's closing the door, he suddenly jerks my body to face the wall. He squeezes my ass and whispers, "Maybe later we'll get to finished what you started." He gently kisses my neck. I shiver in response. "Holy fuck, he's really turning me on. He knows what he's doing to me."

"I'll tell Luke to bring the condoms," he laughs in delight at my reaction and winks. I stare at him in anger, "There is no need for that because nothing is going to happen between us!" "What makes you so sure of that. I can clearly read your body language babe," Jai says. "Don't call me that! And I'm not into you," I purse my lips in defiance. "What makes you so sure of that?" he repeats. I'll prove you wrong... BABE."

Just as I'm about to argue back, James pulls into my drive way. Jai points his gun into my back. "You're going to do exactly as I say, when I say it. Tell him to leave now... Or someone is going to get killed today."

Author's note:
Omg, we got little criminal on our hands! Fuck boy Jai... Bella who's trying to escape and then... James?! What do you think is going to happen next? Stay tuned to find out! 💋

~ @jaisdash (IG)

Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora