Chapter 12

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Surprisingly I was able to pack some clothes with out waking up Jai.
I booked my flight earlier when I get up to make him food.

I left Jai this note which I left on my table.
I love you with all my heart but I couldn't just wait 3 days while our son is in another country. So I left to Melbourne myself to go and get him. I don't know how but I'm going to find him. He's my son and I can't be away from him knowing he is in danger. I appreciate you trying to help but me as a mother I cannot stay like this. They took my baby and I'm not just gonna sit here. I love you please don't come looking for me. I'll be back with our son  soon. Love, Adela."

I took my bags and left to the airport.
It was a long flight so I just decided to sleep.

I woke up and realized Adela wasn't here. I picked up the note.


No no no I gotta go after her. Adrian is my son too. I gotta tell them to find her before he does. If they get her they are sure to hurt her. I'm gonna tell Derek (one of his friends that went looking for Adrian) to find her meanwhile I get there.

"Thanks again Beau."
He was able to book me a flight to Australia and I'm on my way to get her.

Adela POV
I got off the flight and went to a hotel. I lay on the bed thinking about my kid. My baby boy. He is all alone and scared. I'm going to get you back Adrian. Don't worry son mommy is coming.

I quickly shower and get dressed. I grab a photo I have of Adrian at the beach and I head out to go and look for him.

After 5 hours no one told me anything helpful.

I head back to the hotel and just start crying. Will I ever find my baby boy?

I end up just eating and taking some pills to help me sleep and I'll start this again tomorow.

I get up and get dressed to go find my son. I'm walking through out the streets of Melbourne when suddenly someone grabs me and covers my mouth before I get the chance to scream. This person then takes me to an ally and into a van. He lets me go and I make my way out or atleast I try to when the man grabs me and says "HOLD ON ADELA. JAI SENT ME TO GET YOU. CALM DOWN."
He then sets me down.
"What? Jai sent you? How do you know me?"

"I'm Derek. I'm one of the people he sent here to look for your son Adrian. And he also called me that you were able to sneak out here to Melbourne to come find your kid and he told me to get you before his boss does."

"How do I know your not lying to me?"

He takes out his phone and plays a voicemail from Jai explaing the whole situation with me.

"Need anymore proof?"

"Um no thanks. So what am I gonna do now? Where is Jai?"

"Well he just landed and my wife is picking him up from the airport right now and she is bringing him back to our house here. So let's just get your bags from where ever your staying and you and Jai can stay with us and we will work out something to bring your son home."

"Thank you so much for everything sorry for freaking out I'm just a Mom and he is my everything."

He leans in to give me a friendly hug which I needed.

"It's okay I'm a Dad myself."

And with that we went to my hotel and I got my stuff and we went to his house.

We pulled into the drive way of a big house.

There is another car there and he says that's his wife's car that she's already home from getting Jai.

I get out the car when someone comes running out the house.

This man rushes in to hug me.


"Jai I'm sorry I just couldn't stay at home while our son is in danger."

"Derek let's give them some privacy. We'll put her bags in Jai's room."
A woman about my age tells Derek. They head back inside giving me and Jai privacy outside by the car.

Jai puts me down and looks into my eyes and starts to get teary eyed.

"Babe what's wrong?"
I ask him.

"I just couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. I was stupid to not understand you. I'm sorry. "

"No Jai I'm sorry. I just want our son to be okay."

"He will. Look me and Derek are going to find him tomorow. We know where he is at."

"What? Why don't we go now?"

"We can't. We have to give it another day so he knows we're not after him and he won't leave."

"You promise you'll bring him to me safe?"

"Yes babe just don't leave me now."

"Okay I promise. But promise me my 2 favorite boys will come home safe?"

"Yes babe I promise you."
He tells me with a slight smile.

We lean in to kiss rather so pastionately. He pushes me against the car and whispers in my ear "You know we never got round 2 back home."

"Oh Jai calm down nows not the time."
I chuckle and tell him.

We walk in and Jai goes to talk to Derek in private.

I'm then greeted by the same woman.
"Hi I'm Derek's wife Ashely."

"Hi Ashely I'm Jai's girlfriend."

"WIFE!!" Jai yells from the other room.


"NOT YET." He yells back.

Me and Ashely just laugh.

"Hey I'm very sorry to hear about your son. Believe me I would be heart broken if that was ever to happen to my son Michael. But Derek and Jai are very good men so don't worry they'll have your son in no time."

"Thanks it helps a lot."

Over the next 2  hours me and Ashely were talking about Girl stuff and mom life and what not while Jai and Derek were discussing thier plans.

Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora