Chapter 3

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Author's note: Please read the end of the previous chapter.

James looks at me and Jai, alarmed. He gets out of his car and asks, "Are you okay? Who's this?" "I'm her boyfriend." Jai replies simply. "She never told me anything about you..." James pauses. "Well... hi, I'm James, her friend." He sticks out his hand for a handshake.

Jai hesitates, "We have to pack some of Bella's things. We're going on a road trip soon." "Road trip?" James asks, shocked. "But Bella, aren't we supposed to be working a 14 hour shift tomorrow?" Jai presses his gun harder into my back, indicating to improvise on our little 'road trip.'

"Ummm... Change of plans," I laugh nervously. "I already told Julie that I'm going so..." "Um okay then, have fun," James says in defeat, getting into his car and driving away. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"You're smarter than I thought babe," Jai praises me, easing on the gun a bit. "I'm not your babe," I whisper. Don't you ever call me that!" "You're supposed to be my wife, Bells. Now let's go! We need to get your shit already and leave!!" Jai says, pulling me towards my front door.

Flash forward to Bella's bedroom.

Jai takes out a luggage bag from my closet, directing me what to put in it. "You know, it would be a wise idea if you changed clothes," Jai suggests with a smirk on his face. "Okay!" I sigh. "I need you to turn around!"

"I'm not stupid. I know that you're going to hurt me from behind and then run," Jai grumbles. "No I won't," I say in my most innocent voice. (I was going to) "BULLSHIT!!!" he roars, punched my closet door and making me jump in fear. "Okay Jai! Calm the fuck down already! I'll change in front of you," I reassure him. He bites his lower lip, driving me insane. I still wanted to slap him really hard for putting me through this against my will but I was scared of him.

He watches me change into my undergarments. I feel completely and utterly violated by his stubborn intrusiveness. Then I change into black pants, some converse shoes and a thin, long-sleeved grey sweater.

He looks at me with his big brown eyes and I know exactly what he is thinking. He moves to stand directly  in front of me, running his hand slowly behind my back and down my thigh before leaning in closer, wanting to kiss me. In that moment, we hear a loud car honk and Beau screaming, "Stop fucking around and LET'S GO!!!"

Jai tells me, "I guess we'll just have to finish later, babe." Fuming with anger, all I could think about is to see his ass in jail. I slap him. He immediately slaps me across the face and grabs the back of my hair, lifting me effortlessly off of the floor. "You better cut this shit out! I'm not fucking joking, you whore!" he yells.

Okay bipolar cunt. "O..okay. Sorry," I whisper instead, trying my best not to cry. I succeed. At this point, I am beyond scared of him.

Seeing my silent resistance, "That's more like that, gently kissing my cheek. I shivered in a weird combination of fear and lust. Wtf is wrong with you Bella? You can hardly get a grip. Breathe. He's trying to get to you. Don't let him.

Jai takes me to the jet black car where Beau and Luke sit at the front. Beau tells Jai, "Can you calm yourself down, little bro? You're going to have all 2 and 1/2 weeks to bang her, ya know." Jai chuckles and slaps my thigh. I kick him hard, not realizing what I just did. "This bitch does not learn! Luke get the fucking medicine to knock this bitch out!" Jai grunts angrily. "I'm not going to make this easy for you! You're kidnaping me!" I manage choke out. Luke proceeds to grab a syringe from the glove compartment and hands it to Jai. I try to get out of the car and fight as much as I can as Luke holds me down. I feel a tiny, sharp poke in my arm. I can hardly process what happened, I am out cold.

I wake up to Jai hugging in his sleep. I look out the window and see a city full of flashing colors and casinos, which I know is not Los Angeles anymore. We are in Las Vegas! I attempt to pull away from Jai's strong grasp. "Hey," he mutters, blinking his eyes. "You look very beautiful when you're asleep." I blush. He smiles at me. I tell him, "Where are we?" "We're in Vegas babe," he informs me calmly. "Why Vegas?" I wonder. "Luke and Beau are going to drop us off here and we're going wait for our RV. Then I'll tell you where we're headed to next."

I want to say something. He quiets me with his finger against my lip. I don't know what has gotten into me. I stare into his eyes, listening attentively to everything he says. "Don't worry babe. Since we're newlyweds, I booked us a room at Cesar's Palace. I got us the honeymoon suite and we'll have plenty of time to spare for... You know," he smirks. Luke chuckles. I push Jai's hand away. He tightens his arm around my waist.

"We're finally here bitches," Luke says, taking a picture of the busy skyline. Jai grabs my hand and leads me out of the car. He whispers in my ear, "Don't you dare even think about running off because I will find you." I stand quietly. He throws me my bag of clothes and directs me to wait next to some stairs not that far from the car. The brothers discuss something in hushed tones. Luke and Beau soon leave together. Jai starts walking towards me.

"You should be happy. I saved you from your job," he smiles, pleased with what he's done to me. "I actually love what I do. I should not be here with you," I reply cold hearted. He looks at me, kinda hurt and I feel a little bad for being so mean. He shakes his head and walks us to our room. He opens the door to our suite and holds the door open for me. I walk through and see that the suite is AMAZING! The floors are covered in rose petals that lead to a particular door, which I assume to be the bedroom. There are 2 glasses of wine on a side table near us. Jai hands me one. "To our new life," he toasts enthusiastically. I drink a small sip of the wine and stare at Jai. He stares blankly back at me. Unaffected by my icy glare, he leans in to kiss me.

This is so wrong but it feels so right. Why do I feel butterflies right now? Jai takes our glasses away and carries me bridal style to the bedroom. My mind is racing in confusion. My brain is screaming at me to resist. But how can I? Jai is just so irresistible. He pushes the door open with his elbow and carries me into a gorgeous bedroom that has a king sized bed surrounded by rose petals. There are a dozen scented candles lit. Jai puts me down on the bed, hovering over me, unsure of my reaction. He decides to kiss me anyway.

Author's note:
Omg, what do you think is going to happen next? 😂 Dirty minded thinkers, think again!
Love ya and stay tuned for next chapter! Like & share!
- @jaisdash

Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora