Chapter 14

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I was awoken suddenly by Ashely.
I get up and run out of my room and down the stairs.
I stomp downstairs and I'm shocked.
Adrian and Derek.
But where is Jai?
I quickly run over and I grab Adrian.

"Omg Adrian. Are you okay? Mommy missed you!!"

"I'm okay mommy. I saw daddy he looks just like me."

"You did where is daddy?"

"Um Adela we need to talk. Honey take Adrian to go play with Michael."

Ashely took Adrian to play with Michael.

"Derek don't lie to me. Where is he?" I almost cry out.

"I'm sorry Adela."

"Sorry for what?! Just say it!"

"Well that night you came and Jai and I we're talking about our plan to bring back Adrian, we were able to talk to the guy who had him. Jai doesn't have that kind of money and niether do I. So the boss said then if Jai doesn't want to see you or Adrian get hurt, Jai would have to surrender."

"Surrender how?" I say shaky

"Surrender as in he would go to the boss and the boss would kill him."

"Is he dead?" I ask crying.

"I don't know yet." Derek says.

I let out a loud scream of crying and pain. Jai loved us so much to give up his life to protect us from harm.

Derek held me for a while trying to calm me down.

"Derek I can't live without him. I just can't I need to save him. I can't go through life without Jai."

"Adela I know that but you need to stay strong for your son he needs his mom."

"And he needs his dad too."

"I know that but it's too late. I'm sorry."

"You can't say that. Derek I know you want Jai back. Help me find him please" I beg.

"This guy is very dangerous Adela. It's not that easy as you would think."

"But he has the love of my life. When I told Jai I would always stick by his side, I meant it. And I'm gonna keep my promise. I don't care if I die trying. You ethier help me or I'll go on my own." I say sternly.

"Okay. We will go find him. But we need to go now."

I was tied up to a chair in a dark room. He was going to kill me as soon as he came back in 6 hours. I don't regret a choice I've made. I couldn't live with myself if he hurt Adela or Adrian. I love them too much. I would give my life for them and that's what I'm doing.

Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora