Chapter 22

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Adela POV
Looking pale while feeling weak, I spent most my days laying down but I managed to stay strong get a good diet and take my medicine.
I spend time with my son as much as I can but I get tired too fast.
Derek and Ashely moved out with thier son to live with her mom in London so we have the house now.
I found out we're having twin girls.
We're so excited and Adrian couldn't be happier that he's going to be a big brother to his 2 little sisters.

In about 2weeks I'll have to deliver them via c section. I'm scared cause my body feels that I won't make it that long and what if it's too late for treatment.

I was fixing the nursery when Jai came in,
"How's my beautiful wife today?"

"I've had better days." I say out of breathe. It's hard to breathe sometimes but it happens when I overwork myself.

"Sit down babe I got it."

"No I want to organize their clothes and I already know you would just throw them in the drawer."

"Well their just baby clothes they're tiny anyways so there's really no big deal to organize it all."

I give him a are-you-fuckin-serious-look.

"Okay okay you win but please take a break and I'll finish up."

"Fine but remember top drawer is pajamas, second dresses, and third shirts&pants. Oh and the pink box is for shoes. "

"Why so many shoes they're little anyways it's not like they're gonna remember."

"Don't argue with me on this Jai they're twin girls and they can never have too many shoes."

"Okay now please go lay down."

I walk into mines and Jai's bedroom where I see Adrian asleep on the bed.
I go to lay down next to him and he moves a little.
I lay on my back and gently rub my belly. It's kinda huge yet small but then again there's 2 babies in there.
I fall asleep for 20 minutes when I'm feeling the need to throw up and I make my way to the bathroom and proceed to vomit.
After that I wash my mouth and my face and when I'm walking out the bathroom I get this sharp pain in my stomatch.

"OW." I scream almost crying.

Jai comes running upstairs

"Babe what's wrong?!"

"I think, I, I think I'm going into-"  I say breathing heavy cause it hurts so bad.

"Going into what?!"



"I've had a baby before I know what it feels like." I say while I'm grabbing my belly.

"I need to get you to the hospital I'll have my mom watch Adrian."

Thanks for reading loves! Don't forget to vote and comment! The story is ending soon but I'm thinking about doing a sequel. What do you guys think?


Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora