Chapter 15

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Derek was in the other room with Ashely and thier son Michael. He was saying good bye just in case.

I lay in my bed with Adrian.
He is on one side and I'm on the other.
We are cuddled up and just smiling at each other making silly faces.
The bond between a Mother and son is just unbelievable. It's a strong love between a mother and child that would never be broken.

"Adrian Mommy has something very important to tell you."

"Yes Mommy?"

"Daddy got into some trouble and Mommy and Uncle Derek are going to go rescue him. So in the meanwhile Aunt Ashely is going to watch over you."

"Okay Mommy. Will you and Daddy come back okay?"

I paused for a minute. I remember Derek telling me how dangerous this can be and that I should say good bye to Adrian as if it was my last cause you never know. Anything can happen.

"Hopefully son. Just know whatever happens Mommy and Daddy love you very much and we want you to do good promise?"

"I promise mommy."

I give him a kiss on the door head.
"I love you my son."

"I love you my mommy."

I hug him tight then he falls asleep in my arms.

Derek walls in and tells me we should get going.

We went in his car and we drove off.
The car ride was somewhat silent.
He told me that Jai should be in the basement and he knows cause that's where the boss kept most victims.

I kept shaking my leg getting anxious and scared.
What if it was too late?
I would never forgive myself.
Why didn't I just listen to him?


About an hour later we arrived up into the Forrest hills.
And we were parked near a large mansion.

Derek gave me a gun just in case.

We managed to make our way into the house through an open window.

We were in the bathroom.

"Okay we have to be very quiet. No one is here. The boss is out cause his car isn't in the driveway. He is in the basement I'm sure of it."
He whispered.

"Okay. Thanks again Derek."

We made our way out of the bathroom and quietly passed each of the rooms.

Then we went downstairs and to our luck no one was downstairs ethier.

Then Derek pointed to the basement door. He knows everyplace of this house cause along with Jai he worked for the boss.

My heart was bumping. I'm hoping he is alive.

Derek and I go to open the door but it is locked.

"Fuck." Derek mumbled.

I took a pin out of my hair and opened the door.

The light was off and we walked inside.

We closed the door and turned on the light. Derek stayed by the door to be on the look out. I gave him my gun.

There he was tied to a chair. He was beat up but not too bad. He was still alive. He was asleep.

I run up to him and cover his mouth with my hand to prevent him from screaming.

He looked at me with suprise
"Jai I need you to stay quiet were here to save you."

I gently remove my hand from his mouth and untie him.

He quickly engulfs me in a hug.

"Omg Del why are you here. He could kill you. And Derek."

"Look I meant my promise 3 years ago that I would always stick by your side and fight with you."

He looked at me with such love and a smile.

Just then we heard a bunch of gunshots and men coming in.

I quickly jumped in front of Jai and he hugged me and covered over me.

After a while they stopped.

10 men lie dead on the ground.

Derek is wounded but was just scraped by a bullet.

"Damn that was close." He said while grabbing onto his arm with his eyes closed.

"He will be here soon we need to leave." I said.

I get up while holding Adela up but when I let go of her she falls to the ground helplessly.

Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora