Chapter 25

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Adela POV~ 3 weeks after birth
I gently start to open my eyes. I turn my head slowly and I see Jai on my left holding my hand. I turn to see around the room but I don't see my babies. I start to panic thinking they died.

"Jai wake up. Where's my babies?"

"Hmhmnh....leave me alone."


"Huh? Oh my god Adela your okay I thought I lost you." He cries out and hugs me.

I hug him tight.

"How do you feel? Does anything hurt?"

"I don't care about myself right now, I want to see my daughters."

His face expression gets sad.

"Jai tell me right now where are they?"

" Faith (baby #1) is okay she was born healthy she just needs to stay in a incubator for a few months."

"Oh my thank god," I sigh with relief," what about Lilly (baby#2) ?"

He starts to get teary eyed.

"Jai, is lily okay?"

"I'm so sorry babe."

I start to cry.

"Where is she?!!"

He holds me back his arms.

"I'm so sorry babe. She's in a better place now."

"Why my baby? It should have been me I should be dead right now not her!!!"

"It's okay we're gonna get through this."

"But that's my baby girl." I cry hysterically.

"I'll go get the doctor."

*Jai walks in with the doctor."

"Hello I'm Gonna be your Doctor."

"Why did my lily baby die?"

" Well both girls being born premature at 6 months almost 7, Aparently it looks like Faith was just okay it is a miracle she is alive but sadly Lilly died due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around her neck cutting off her breathing supply and when she was out, it was too late to save her. I'm sorry. We truly did try everything we could to save her."

I cried and Jai hugged me.

"Is Faith going to be okay?"

"Yes yes she will be perfectly fine. She just needs to stay here for about 2 more months and she should be fine to go home."

"What about me? My cancer?"

"Well now that your conscious we'll be able to start your treatment while your here. It would take about 7 treatments to fully cure but you'll need to stay here so we can fully monitor you. You should be able to go home around the same time as Little Faith."

"Okay thank you so much."

"No problem well I have to go now."
The doctor leaves.

I stay quiet.

"Babe well get through this. Adrian just loves Faith."

"He met her already? How is he?"

"He's fine. And yeah a week after she was born he came to see her with my mom Luke and Beau. They all love her so much and dad she looks exatcly like me."

"  do they know about lily?"

" yeah. I told our son that Faith had a twin sister that was too tired to join the world and she had to go heaven." He almost cried out.

"I was able to get a picture of her before she had to be buried ."

"I want to see it."

He hands me his phone.
I see a little tiny tiny baby wrapped in a baby pink blanket. She looks exactly like me and has a freckle right under her eye like Jai.

I cry .

"It's gonna be fine."

"I want to see my other baby"

Perfect Little Family {Sequel to Neighbors 2 books in 1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora