Chapter 1

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Luke's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I grumbled into my pillow and squeezed my eyes shut again. Reluctantly, I threw the covers off my almost naked body, already missing the warmth. I grabbed the pair of black jeans from my dresser and a pretty much clean black shirt off the floor. I fixed my bed head and went into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal ready on the counter.

"Thanks Mom." I say as I take a spoonful.

"No problem, I figured I'd make you a bowl since you're running a little late."

I looked at the clock. 7:45. Fuck. I put the bowl in the sink and grabbed my bag and put my shoes on.

"Bye Mom! Love you!" I yell

My mom waved me off and I started off to school. I ran the entire way and got there within 10 minutes. I walked to my locker, making sure to not bump into anyone and got my books needed for my classes.

I got to English and took my seat in the far back, trying to avoid anyone's gaze. I slumped in my seat as we started to take notes for the day.

Michael's POV

I walked down the hallway towards the locker room with Dustin, Calum and Ashton next to me. When we got in there, I noticed a boy trying to change his shirt without us seeing his stomach. He messed up his blonde hair in the process.

"Loser." Dustin mumbled under his breath.

We laughed along with him and go to our gym lockers. We get changed our clothes and head out to the track. Mr. Hanley blew his whistle and put us into groups for the relays.

"Irwin, Hood, Clifford and Hemmings!" He yells

I look at Calum and Ashton with a sigh because Dustin isn't on our team. Instead we're stuck with Luke, who probably can't run without tripping over his legs. I see him walking over to us out of the corner of my eye. I roll my eyes and turn back to the guys until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"U-um.. I'm on your t-team." He stuttered

"Yeah I heard Mr. Hanely." I roll my eyes again

"O-ok." Luke steps back and stands next to us, looking down at his shoes.

We took a seat on the bleachers in front of the track, Luke sitting noticeably farther away from us.

"Hey Blondie, ya know we're not gonna bite, right?"

He looked up at me and hesitantly slid over and sat next to Calum. Ashton, Calum and I started to discuss when each of us would run.

"Hey Luke, you can go second since the fastest go first and last." Ashton told Luke

"That's f-fine." He replies

It was our turn to race and we set ourselves 100 meters apart from each other on the track. Mr. Hanley started us off.

"On your mark! Get set!" Boom!

Ashton was first to start and he quickly sprinted the 100 meters, until he trips over the ground and stumbles forward, slowing to last place. He approached Luke, and handed the baton off to him and Luke started sprinting.

Everyone watched from the bleachers and their stances as Luke sprinted, trying to catch up to the rest of the runners. His long legs carried him close behind Tyler, Anthony and Derek, three players on the football team. He past Tyler and within a few feet, Anthony and Derek were behind him as well. Luke kept his lead and started to approach me. I started to slowly jog forward as Luke stretched his arm out and passed the baton off to me, as I switched the stick from my left hand to my right, and started to sprint myself.

I handed Calum our baton and he quickly finished the race, our team coming in first place. All three of us turned to Luke and stared at him with wide eyes.

"You're pretty fast, Blondie." I said as I slapped him on the back.

"T-thanks." He said shyly and looked down at his sneakers.

The class walked back toward the school and we headed into our locker rooms to get changed back into our regular clothes. I watch as Luke quickly went into the corner where his locker was, and tried to change his shorts as quickly as possible. I caught a glimpse of his grey and pink striped boxers, and I held back a laugh as he got his arm caught in his sleeve as he tried to change his shirt.

"At 17, you should know how to change your damn shirt, Hemmings." Dustin called out to him, catching the attention of everyone in the locker room.

Everyone laughed, and as I looked up I saw Luke quickly gather his clothes and stuffed them back into his locker. He scurried out of the locker room, avoiding everyone's stares. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the room. I saw Luke walk towards the science room and I stopped him.

"Hey don't listen to what Dustin said back there ok?"

"I-it's ok, I-I p-probably looked l-like an i-idiot a-anyway." He hugged his books tightly against his chest.

"No you didn't, it's ok. Anyways, you did really good today and I was wondering if you wanted to be on our team for tomorrow. We're doing the 4 x 100."

Luke replied, "S-sure, t-thanks by the w-way."

"No problem. Hey I got to get to class but maybe I'll see you around ok?"

He nodded his head and turned around, heading for the science room again. I turned around, and walked into the Calculus room and took my seat in the back.


Hello!! This is my first book and I'm gonna try for this to not be a fail. I came up with the idea for this story literally today during gym class because we're doing track right now. Anyway I hope you like this story because I'm muke af and this is going to be full of muke and maybe cashton, I haven't thought about that yet.

- Emily :)

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