Chapter 19

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Luke awoke from his nap when his phone's notifications started blowing up.

Mikey :) : lukey pls call me

Mikey :) : luke :( pls come over or something i need to explain

Mikey :) : I didn't mean what I said baby pls answer me

Mikey :) : luke?

Mikey :) : I'm sorry

The blonde sighed and stared a new message.

Lukey : come over

It was marked as read seconds after Luke sent it, which meant that Michael had been waiting for Luke to reply for who knows how long. He didn't get a reply back but he figured Michael was on his way to his house.

Luke grabbed his crutches as slid off his bed. He hopped around a few times before he got in a position to put each crutch under his armpits. Liz previously put mini penguin pillow pet stuffed animals on the top of each crutch to help make them more comfortable.

Luke carefully made his way down the stairs, taking at least ten minutes to get down a set of twelve stairs.

He figured Michael would be breaking the speed limit driving to his house so it wouldn't take that long. Luke made himself as comfortable as possible on the couch, turning on the tv.

As expected, it didn't take very long for Michael to show up. Luke sighed and struggled to get up, leaning on his crutches to stand. More knocking rang through the room, making Luke groan in frustration.

"Hold on a minute!"

When he finally opened the door, Luke was met with the pair of emerald green eyes he's grown accustomed to.

The pair stood in silence, just taking each other in. They're so used to seeing each other every day, so after three, all they could do was stare.

"Hey," Michael whispered, "Can I come in?"

Luke nodded and backed up. He led the way to the couch and got comfortable once again.

Michael cleared his throat, "So, how are you feeling?"

"Can we just skip the awkward part, please?"

Michael nodded and grabbed Luke's hand. Luke looked down at their intwined fingers and let a small smile form on his face. He really missed Michael.

"Can you tell me why you blew up in the hospital the other day?"

Michael closed his eyes and sighed. "Yeah,"

"Luke, before I tell you this, I want you to know that I've changed. I'm not the same person I was, I've gotten help."

Luke nodded wearily.

"This happened about 2 years ago. I was dating this guy, Andrew. We were going out for about a year at the time and we were having problems, like any couple. But we fought about every little thing, it was so stupid."

Michael looked down at his boy and placed his hand on Luke's thigh, playing with the loose thread of his sweatpants.

"One night, the fight got really bad."

Luke grabbed Michael's hand and held it tightly as he heard the red haired boy's voice crack.

"I don't even remember what we were fighting about, but what I do remember is getting so angry that I started punching the wall and shit. It's like I could stop, I was knocking everything over and destroying everything.

Michael let out a gasp that turned into a sob. his moved his hand from Luke's leg and covered his face with his palms, crying.

Luke processed his words, not knowing what to do.

"He did nothing wrong and I just blew up." Michael's sobs continued.

"I was sent t-to a hospital. They diagnosed me with IED. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just so embarrassed of my past and I didn't want to put you through that. I'm so sorry for what I did, Luke."

Luke nodded his head and pulled Michael into his arms, rocking him back and forth and he continued to cry. Michael tried to muffle his sobs by burying his head into Luke's neck.

Luke whispered, "You're not your past, Michael, I'm glad you got help. I love you no matter what, Baby."

"I love you so much." Michael said, gently pressing his lips to Luke's.

The blonde made his way over Michael's jaw, planting wet kisses over his face. He pulled away, Michael's salty tears on Luke's lips.

Michael sniffled, "I don't deserve you. I don't deserve any of this."

With a shake to the head, Luke grabbed Michael's head and whispered against his lips, "You deserve everything and more, Baby."


Guys omg I'm so sorry for not updating! I just started highs school on Tuesday and with soccer everyday after school I've been very busy 😔

Please don't think I'm romanticizing abuse, bc I'm not.

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