Chapter 6

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The next day, the boys didn't talk about the almost kiss. Michael acted like it never happened and Luke went along with it, although he was slightly upset. He thought Michael may have liked him.

During math, Luke thought of all the reasons why Michael wouldn't want to bring it up.
Does he not like me? Does he get annoyed by my stutter? Is he even gay?

Luke didn't know, and it was bugging him beyond belief. He wanted to ask Michael himself, but he was scared of the answer. Luke caught up with Ashton when they were in the library for English. He dragged Ashton over to the secluded corner where nobody was. Ashton had a confused look on his face.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" Ashton noticed the distressed look on the small boy's face and got worried.

Luke looked up at him with weary eyes.
"U-Um..I-I w-was w-wondering..w-well you
s-see I-"

"Luke, what's wrong?"

"Is Michael gay?" Luke spat out, his eyes widening when he heard himself speak without a single stutter.

Ashton shook his head. "I don't know. You're gonna have to ask him if he is. Even if I knew, it's not my place to tell..Why? Do you like him?" he raised his eyebrows up and down.

Luke blushed. "I-I don't k-know y-yet."

"Well good luck. Let's go back by the bookshelves, yeah?"

Luke nodded his head and thanked him. They walked back over to the rest of the class, who were picking out research books for their next assignment.


Luke met Michael and the guys down by the track for gym class. They stood on the side of the track, Calum holding the baton and blowing into it like a horn. Michael glanced at him and laughed. Luke immediately looked and Michael, the beautiful sound drawing his attention. He didn't know what these feelings were, they were so sudden. After their almost kiss, Luke has been looking at Michael differently. His laugh is suddenly the most beautiful sound he's ever heard, his smile lights up his day, and his presence makes him feel more comfortable than his bed ever could.

"Luke!" He's snapped out of his thoughts when the baton hits him square in the face.

"Ah fuck!" Luke blurted out. Michael's eyes widened, not used to hearing Luke swear.

Michael put his hand on Luke's cheek, "Oh my god, are you ok? Where does it hurt?" He tried to find where it hurt the most.

"M-My n-nose." Luke sniffled, unwanted tears pricking his eyes. The last thing he wanted to do was to cry in front of Michael again.

Out of the corner of his eye, Luke saw Ashton and Calum running up to him with worried looks on their faces.

"Luke, oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean it! I was aiming for Ashton, I swear!" Calum confessed to Luke while Ashton yells out a 'Hey!'.

Luke softly chuckled while holding his nose.
"I-It's ok. It d-doesn't hurt t-that bad."

Michael puts his hand on Luke's arm and whispered, "Do you want to get an ice pack from the nurse?"

Luke thought for a moment before nodding his head. It would be the closest thing to being alone with Michael.

After asking Mr. Hanely if it was okay, the boys walk back up to the school and walk to the nurses office. When they got there they noticed they were the only ones in there.

"What can I do for you boys?" the nurse,
Mrs. Lanne asked.

Michael answered, "Um, he needs and ice pack."

Mrs. Lanne looked at them. "What happened?" She asked as she got up to get an ice pack.

Before Michael could answer for him, Luke spoke up. "I-I got h-hit in t-the face w-with a b-baton." He blushed, realizing how stupid it sounded.

The nurse wrapped the ice pack in a paper towel and handed it to Luke. "There you go, sweetheart." Luke thanked her and sat down on the stiff bed in the corner of the room. Michael went with him and sat next to him, their knees touching. The nurse was rummaging through cabinets trying to find something.

She sighed. "I'm going to have to go down to the office to get some boxes of tissues. When you're done with the ice pack just put it back in the freezer, alright?"

The two teens nodded happily. They wanted to be alone, to talk about everything that had happened. Michael sighed and turned to Luke. Luke turned towards him as well and waited for him to speak. Michael opened his mouth and then closed it again, not knowing what to say. They say in silence, just looking at each other's features.

Michael's eyes were the prettiest shade of green he's ever seen. He's never noticed them until now. The different colored specks were a work of art. He silently awed at his button nosed and refrained from booping it. His gaze lowered to his pink, slightly chapped lips. He would have given anything to kiss them right now. Luke gulped and looked back up at Michael's eyes, which were staring at Luke's lips as well. He focused on Luke again and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Michael grabbed Luke's face and smashed his lips against his own. Luke's widened eyes closed, and enjoyed he feeling of Michael's plump lips on his. Michael ran his tongue across Luke's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Michael grabbed the back of Luke's head, pushing them closer. Their tongues battled for dominance, Michael's winning. They made out until they lost their breath, and pulled away. The boys' lips were swollen and their breaths were heavy. Their faces were still close, not ready to move away yet.

Michael panted out, "That was amazing."

Luke blushed and nuzzled his head into his neck, and nodded. Michael glanced down at the ice pack and stood up.

"I think we should put the ice pack back and head out of here, yeah?" Michael put his hand out and pulled Luke up from the bed. He nodded and put it back in the freezer.

The boys walked out of the nurse's office towards the locker rooms to change back into their normal clothes. They were the only ones in there, since gym had not ended yet. The boys split up to their own lockers and changed into their clothes. And they may have shared a few kisses after they were done, but nobody needed to know.


There's chapter 6! 22 reads guys!! thank you so much I hope you're loving the story!! muke finally kissed!! they are so cute in this chapter I'm screaming

- Emily :)

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