Chapter 23

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The couple walked hand in hand, on their way to school. Luke got his cast off three days ago, and he missed being able to walk so much. He got so sick of those damn crutches. He's starting track again today and he couldn't be more excited.

Luke's life had changed for the better since he had met Michael. Before Michael, Luke was an insecure, shy, stuttering mess. Now he is outgoing and a more happy person in general.

The blonde boy finally became himself when he was around Michael. The dyed haired boy brought out the best in him.

They were a couple minutes away from the school when Michael started talking.

"What are you gonna do after school? Like where are you gonna go?" He kept his hand on Luke's tight, never wanting to let go.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, swinging their hands back and forth. "Probably go to college, m-maybe get an internship..I might get an apartment w-with my super amazing boyfriend."

Michael chuckled, his hand wandering down, pinching Luke's bum through his jeans. "Cheeky.."

Luke hummed, leaning up to kiss Michael on the lips. The pair stopped in their path, focusing themselves on their kisses.

Michael pulled away, resting his forehead on Luke's. He kept his hands on Luke's waist, occasionally rubbing his hands over his shirt covered skin.

"I want to stay with you after we graduate. We're gonna go to the same college and live together and get a dog - a corgi, and we'll name him Milo..and maybe we'll adopt a baby after a couple of years..who knows. But what I do know is that I'm gonna marry you. And we're gonna be so happy."

Luke smiled at Michael's words, he would absolutely love to spend the rest of his life with Michael and start a family with him.

Michael stepped back and took both of Luke's hands in his.

"Luke, you're easily the most amazing person I've ever met, and I know for a fact that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Don't get too excited, I'm not proposing," Michael giggled as he saw Luke widen his eyes, "I love you so much Luke, and you're the one for me."

Luke's eyes filled with tears, happy tears of course. "Oh Mikeybear, I love you so much, come here." He mumbled as he pulled Michael into his chest, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I want all of that with you, all of it. You make me the h-happiest person in the whole world."

Michael mumbled an 'I love you' before wrapping his arms around Luke's waist, squeezing him closer. He hugged for a couple of minutes, occasionally peppering kisses over each other's faces.

"Hey Luke.."

Luke looked up, his piercing blue eyes meeting Michael's jade ones. He gave his boyfriend a big smile and said, "Hm?"

The older boy giggled, "You may run fast, but I fell for you faster."



there is going to be an epilogue, maybe two, I'm still not sure..comment here to let me know what you guys want!!

I really hope you guys liked this story, i started this when i was in 8th grade, and i remember getting the idea during gym class when we were doing relays.

THOUGHTS on this book and Muke's love story??

please VOTE & COMMENT and let me know about the epilogues and your thoughts!! Love you guys sm!!

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