Chapter 12 +

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The + sign means there is smut in the chapter so if you feel uncomfortable reading that just skip ahead :)


The boys had agreed to meet at Luke's house since they were always at Michael's. They were walking on the sidewalk, hand in hand, enjoying each other's presence. Luke liked to swing their hands back and forth as they walked, saying that it was cute and he wanted them to be cute. Michael agreed, only to see Luke smile.

The couple finally made it to Luke's house and the blonde stopped them. Michael furrowed his brows and looked at Luke.

"Aren't we going inside?" Luke nodded his head and sighed.

"Yes, b-but I.." Luke paused, not knowing how to word it. Michael rubbed his arm with a concerned look. "But what, Baby?"

"I haven't t-told my mum I'm gay and I don't
k-know how she'll h-handle it." Luke frowned and looked down at his shoes.

Michael put his finger under his boyfriend's chin and lifted his gaze up to his own. "That's ok, Babe. We can go back to my place of you want."

Luke immediately shook his head, "No, I want m-my mum to know a-about us. I've w-waited too long." He gave Michael a small smile.

"Are you sure, Baby?" Luke nodded with reassurance and grabbed Michael's hand. They trudged to his front door and walked in, since there was no point in knocking.

Luke looked around, not seeing his mom anywhere. "Mum! A-Are you here?" He called out.

He froze when he heard his mother call out, "Yeah, Honey! I'm in the kitchen!" Luke let out a breath and looked at Michael. The older boy gave Luke a comforting smile and squeezed his hand.

Michael leant down to Luke's ear and whispered, "It'll be ok."

Luke sighed and headed towards the kitchen where his mom awaited him. He found her chopping vegetables for dinner that night. Luke's mother looked up from the chopping board and smiled at her son.

"Hi Luke," she glanced at Michael and gave an even bigger smile. "And who might you be?"

Michael smiled and waved. "I'm Michael, it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Hemmings." He introduced himself.

Liz laughed, "Oh please, call me Liz, Dear."

Michael nodded and looked down at Luke who was looking very scared. He nudged his shoulder and gave a reassuring smile. Luke gave a short, forced smile back. He was nervous. Luke didn't know his mother's views on these types of things.

The two boys took a seat at the island that was in the middle of the kitchen. There was a long silence before Luke spoke up.  "U-Um..Mum I a-actually have s-something to t-tell you."

Liz nodded for Luke to continue while she was chopping a carrot. Well, you s-see..I-I'm
d-dating s-some-"

"Oh Luke! I've waited so long for this! Who is she?"

Luke's eyes widened and he looked at Michael. He gave the boy a nod to continue. He felt like he was going to pass out.

"A-Actually's a he."

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