Chapter 20

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Luke woke up with arms wrapped around his small waist, hugging him close. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 10:30am.

The blond turned around, trying not to wake the boy behind him. He set his gaze on the sleeping boy. Michael's mouth was open, letting soft snores come out. His green eyes were covered, and his long eyelashes were resting on the tops of his rosy cheeks.

Needless to say, Luke thought Michael was perfect.

Luke ran a soft hand through Michael's now black hair. He ran his fingers down his cheeks, and booped his nose.

Michael stirred in his sleep, his nose wrinkling as Luke continued to boop it. He groaned and rolled over, taking most of the covers with him.

Luke whined, trying to pull the blankets towards him. "M-Mikey, give me the

He continued to tug and pull at the soft covers. Michael's deep, morning voice rang through the quiet room, "Maybe if you didn't honk on my nose you wouldn't have this problem."

Luke huffed, "I wasn't h-honking your nose. I was t-trying to be cute." He crossed his arms, looking at Michael's back.

"You're always cute, you don't have to try."

Luke smiled and slid over to lay behind Michael. He wrapped his arm around Michael's waist, snuggling his head into the back of his neck.

"What are you doin, Baby?" Michael asked as he stayed still, with his eyes still closed.

Luke whispered softly, burying his head into Michael's neck, "Cuddling you."

The older boy cooed at Luke, turning over and laying on top of him, being mindful about not hitting Luke's leg. Luke groaned at the sudden weight on top of him and grabbed Michael's face.

"Good morning, Mikey." Luke said sweetly as he placed a soft kiss on his pink lips.

"Morning, my honey. How are you feeling?" Michael rested his head on top of Luke's chest, hearing his heartbeat.

"My leg is kinda sore. Can we get something to eat?" Luke pouted

Michael hummed and got out of the bed, grabbing Luke's hands in his. He helped Luke out of bed before Luke tried to reach for his crutches.

Michael stopped him and blushed, "Let me carry you." Luke smiled as Michael picked him up, and carried him downstairs to the kitchen. Luke sat on the bench in the kitchen as he watched Michael turn on the stove to make eggs. He rested his chin in his hand as he watched Michael's back muscles flex under his shirt. He kept his gaze on his boyfriend as he cooked breakfast.

Luke cleared his throat, "Mikeybear, come here."

Michael turned around, spatula in hand. "Mmm no stutter, Baby." He said as he made his way to his boyfriend.

Luke stopped him as he grabbed Michael's shirt and pressed his lips to the black haired boy's. Michael hummed as he put the spatula down and grabbed Luke's hips, pressing their lower halves together. Luke whimpered as Michael bit his lip, nibbling on it.

"Baby.." He whimpered

They separated, looking at each other with hearts in their eyes. Michael rubbed Luke's skin underneath his shirt. "What was that for, Lukey?"

Luke buried his face in Michael's chest, muttering a few words.

"You looked r-really hot cooking the food."

Michael laughed, throwing his head back, making Luke groaned in embarrassment, letting his head fall on the counter.

Michael awed, telling him he shouldn't be upset. He grabbed Luke's hand and helped him stand in front of him. He hugged Luke's waist, resting his chin on top to Luke's head after planting a kiss. "I love you, Luke" He said sincerely.

Luke smiled into his chest, even though Michael couldn't see it. "I love you too." They stayed like that, not breaking apart until Luke's eyes opened widely and he gasped.

"The food!"


WOW i'm back after that like 3 month hiatus. Sorry i didn't update but after writing this i remember how fun it was so i'm back!! thank you for commenting on my last post and don't forget to comment and vote!! i love you guys thank you so much

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