Chapter 16

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It was after school, and Luke was currently sweating buckets. It was above 90 degrees and he was outside sprinting on a hot rubber track. He took the hem of his t-shirt and wiped his face with it, ridding the sweat. He didn't exactly want to be there. He'd rather be at Michael's house cuddling on his bed. Or hanging out with Ashton, Calum and Michael playing video games while eating as much junk food as his heart desired.

But you can't always get what you want.

So Luke showed up to track practice not wanting to run. He was standing by a couple of hurdles that were lined up for the students were were hurdling to jump over them. Luke didn't know how they do it, lift their legs that high in the air, only to try to jump over a bar. Luke knew he could never do it and wouldn't dream of it. He was far too lanky and unbalanced. He'll stick to sprinting.

There was a big track meet coming up tomorrow, which explained why they were practicing in such heat. Luke was written down for the 100 meter, the 200 meter, 4 x 200 meter relay, and the 4 x 100 meter relay. Normally students weren't put down for so many events but Luke was talented and could win them for his team.

Luke jogged over to Mr. Hanely. "Luke, I want you to focus on your start position and your transitioning. You can't rush it, or you won't accelerate as smoothly."

Luke nodded along as he spoke. "Alright, line up for the 200."

He got into a lane, the fourth, which was slightly ahead of the third lane, where Dustin was. He wiped his face with his sleeve as sweat dripped into his eye. Luke bent down with his left knew on the track, his right bent underneath him. His fingertips were on the rubber as he waited for his coach to give him the 'go'. As Mr. Hanely did his usual "On your mark," Luke lifted his left knee so his butt was in the air. When his coach blew his whistle, Luke sprung up and started sprinting. He paid extra attention to not go fully up right away, and he thought he did pretty good.

"That's it, Luke, much better!" He heard him yell as he continued to sprint. Dustin was now side by side with him as they began to go around the turn of the track. Luke breathed in and out as his arms moved steadily at his sides. Luke always hated the turn. He felt like he was going to twist his ankle. Every time he went around the bend, he just felt queasy about it.

He just never expected it to actually happen.

All Luke saw was a leg stick out in front of him and him falling. Hard. On his ankle.

He let out a cry as he heard a bone crack. His face was pressed up against the hot rubber as he continued to let tears flow down his face. The pain his felt in his lower leg was excruciating and he never wanted to feel that pain again. He heard running footsteps come near him as he weeped on the ground.

"Luke, what happened? Are you okay?" Mr. Hanely stupidly asked. He knew his student wasn't okay, but he didn't want to believe it.

Luke shook his head weakly as he cried out, "M-My ankle!"

The coach rolled Luke on his back as he felt around his leg. "Does this hurt?" He pressed lightly on Luke's ankle bone, before hearing a loud "Yes! P-Please stop!"

"Luke how did this happen? I didn't see how you fell."

Luke swallowed as he had an idea of who did it.

Mr. Hanely got up from the track and looked at Dustin, who was silently watching a couple steps away. He marched over to him and crossed his arms.

"You think this is funny?"

Dustin shook his head as he took a step back. "I didn't mean it, I swear."

"Of course you didn't mean it. I guess you didn't mean all the other times you made his boy's life a living hell." He continued to yell in Dustin's face, something he should get a lot more.

Dustin's eyes widened. "Oh, you don't think I didn't notice all the times you teased that kid? I'm in the locker rooms too, I see what you do to him. I didn't think it would come to this." He pointed at the weeping boy on the ground.

Dustin looked down at his shoes in defeat. He shouldn't have gone as far as he did.

"After I help him," He pointed at Luke, " then you come with me."

His coach walked over to Luke and wrapped his arms under his knees and back. He picked him up effortlessly and walked over to the bleachers. He sat Luke down and sighed.

"Don't worry Luke, we'll get that sorted out. As for your ankle, do you have your phone with you to call your parents?"

Luke nodded in pain, pointing to his drawstring bag on the field next to the track. Mr. Hanely got his phone for him and Luke quickly called his mom.

"She'll be h-here soon. She sounded really
w-worried." He put his phone back in his bag and elevated his leg onto the bleachers.

Luke laid his head back as he closed his eyes. He just wanted to go home and lay on his comfy bed. And have Michael by his side, he could always cheer Luke up. That's when he realized, and when he did his eyes blew open.

Michael was not going to handle this well.


I actually kind of liked this chapter?? idk but something exciting actually happened in my writing wow!!

if you haven't already, you should check out my new book! it's called "Obey" and I published the first two chapters already!!

It's a muke dominant/submissive so you should all go read it ;;)))

don't forget to comment and leave a vote if you want more!!

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