Chapter 22

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"I miss track.." Luke whimpered as him and Michael were laying next to each other on Luke's bed.

Michael sighed as he ran his fingers through Luke's blonde hair, kissing his head a few times.

He stopped, focusing his eyes on the tv where 'The Office' was playing.

"I know you only have a couple more weeks with the cast."

Luke groaned and laid his forehead on Michael's chest. "That's too long. I just want to start running everywhere."

Michael chuckled and hugged Luke farther into his chest. He whispered, "Two more weeks," before fixing his gaze back on the tv.


Michael was surprised to find himself at his school's track team's meet. Luke told him he was going to support his teammates but Michael knew that Luke just used it as an excuse to be on the track again.

Luke was sitting next to Michael, his casted leg laying in front of him. Luke sighed in disappointment as he watched his teammate come in second in his own event.

"I would've came in first."

Luke thought to himself as he crossed his arms, leaning back into the bench. This thoughts were interrupted when two guys came up to the boys, blocking Luke's view.

The taller guy crossed his arms, just like Luke's, and smirked.

"Hey Luke, what happened to your leg?" He taunted. The blonde immediately recognized them as Dustin's friends.

Luke rolled his eyes. They didn't like the silence coming from him. They wanted a response.

"I bet that cast doesn't stop you from getting on your knees for Michael every day."

Luke looked down at his hands, his confidence deflating. Luke knows he's not a slut. Maybe just a slut for Michael.

Michael's eyes shot in the boy's direction. If looks could kill, this guy would be six feet under.

"What the fuck did you just say to him?" His eyes never leaving the boy's face.

Dustin's friend laughed, "You heard me."

Michael stood up and it was clear that he was taller than both of the boys. "Yeah I did fucking hear you. At least I get more action than both of you combined."

The second guy scoffed, stepping in front of Michael. "Dick doesn't count."

At this point Michael was furious. These guys had the nerve to walk up to them and start insulting them about their relationship.

"Go fuck yourself with your two inch dick."

They muttered words under their breaths, Michael not caring enough to listen. They walked off and Michael sat back down next to his boyfriend.

Luke sniffled quietly and wiped his eyes, not wanting Michael to see him sad.

"Why are you crying, Baby? Don't listen to those pricks, they don't have a life so they feel the need to meddle with ours."

Michael wiped away any trace of tears, kissing both of Luke's cheeks. The smaller boy nodded and softly kissed Michael's lips.

The black haired boy smiled and cuddled closer to Luke. He would always stand up for him.

"Thank you." Luke leant his head back, silently asking for a kiss.

Michael complied and pecked Luke's soft lips. "Always."


The two boys got home a couple hours later. Luke used his crutches to walk towards the stairs before stopping.

They came up with a system, Michael would carry Luke up and down the stairs while Luke held his crutches.

Michael set Luke down on his bed, getting comfortable himself. His face got increasingly close to Luke's, just staring into his bright blue eyes.

Luke closed the gap between them and pressed their lips together. Hard.

Their lips collided, tongue being added in after some time. Luke crawled on top of Michael, resting his lower half on Michael's.

The blinds hands wandered Michael's body as they continued to lazily make out.

"I love kissing you.." Michael whispered, grabbing Luke's hips to steady himself.

Luke bit his boy's lip before replying, "I love you."

His kisses wandered as well, going to Michael's neck and collarbones.

Luke slowly slid down Michael's body, planning on showing the boy how good he is while on his knees for him.


Sort of a filler, but there really isn't anything else happening in the rest of this book, i don't really plan on having any more drama.

I'm thinking of ending this at 25 chapters, but let me know!

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