Chapter 8

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Seeing your son spooning his best friend in the same bed together, fast asleep, was not what Karen was expecting when she walked into Michael's bedroom. She had a look of shock and then silently awed at her baby's content look. She quickly took a picture of the two before walking over to Michael's side.

She put her hand on his shoulder and started to shake it. "Mikey, it's time to get up, you have school."

Michael stirred, then grumbled, and buried his face deeper into the back of Luke's neck. He tightened his grip on Luke's waist and sighed. He shot his eyes open when he realized his mom was watching and quickly pulled away from Luke.

'Would she get the wrong idea?' He thought to himself. Michael looked up at his mom and pleaded with his eyes not to say anything.

"It's not what it looks like." He tried to reason with her but she just gave him a look and muttered out an 'ok'.

Karen whispered to Michael, "Wake him up while I get started on breakfast."

Michael nodded and wiped the sleep out of his eyes. He glanced down at Luke and smiled, seeing how peaceful he looked. His hair was spiked in different directions and his mouth was slightly open, causing him to drool on Michael's pillow. If it was Ashton or Calum he would have been mad but with Luke it was different. He seemed to find everything Luke did or said adorable, like he couldn't find a single flaw within Luke's being. Michael thought of Luke as perfection and he didn't know why he never noticed this perfect boy before. Michael never thought of himself to be gay, he always assumed he liked girls, but when he thought about it, he's never had an attraction to one before.

Michael was cut from his thoughts when he felt Luke stir by his legs. He watched contently as he stretched his stomach, his eyes still closed. Michael held in a chuckle as Luke stayed in the awkward position before he let out a deep groan and opened his eyes. Luke gasped when he noticed Michael staring at him with a smile on his face.

Luke breathed out and pulled the covers up to his chin. "W-Were you w-watching me the whole t-time?" His scratchy morning voice cracking as he spoke.

Michael nodded his head and laughed. "You looked cute so it's ok."

Luke blushed and hid under the covers. Michael grabbed Luke from behind and dug his chin into Luke's back. "We need to get up and get ready, we'll be late for school."

Luke groaned softly and threw the comforter off of him dramatically. His borrowed shirt was twisted and it showed the creamy skin of his stomach. Luke let out a breath and quickly pull down his shirt, not wanting Michael to see his stomach. He was always insecure about his body, which explains why he dreads going into the locker rooms. Michael's eyes softened at Luke's actions and watched as Luke got up and walked into the attached bathroom, running his fingers through his bed head. He walked out again and stood in front of Michael, who was still on the bed.

"D-Do you h-have an e-extra t-toothbrush I
c-could u-use?" He asked politely.

Michael stood up and paced to the bathroom. "Of course!" He rifled through a couple drawers under the sink until he came across an opened package of unused toothbrushes. He grabbed the pink one and handed the brush to Luke with a cheeky smile. Luke rolled his eyes and grabbed the toothbrush. He brushed his teeth while Michael changed into a new t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. He got an outfit for Luke and set it on the bed.

When Luke was done in the bathroom he looked around the room before he saw Michael point to the clothes on the bed. Luke thanked him and took the clothes back into the bathroom to change.

Luke was about the take his shirt off when Michael knocked on the door. "I'm gonna head downstairs and eat, just come down when you're ready."

Luke nodded, forgetting Michael couldn't see him. "O-Ok, t-thank you."

Michael went downstairs and trudged to the kitchen, and sat down at the island. Karen's back was turned as she was cooking the eggs. Michael's eyes shot up as she started talking.

"I didn't know you were into boys." Her voice was neutral and she still had her back turned, so he couldn't tell if she was going to start yelling.

"Is..Is that a problem?" Michael was nervous that she wouldn't be accepting.

"I'll have a problem if you don't make that boy yours soon. He's quite a cutie." Michael groaned and buried his face into his hands. Although he was relieved she didn't have a problem, he was embarrassed about her choice of words.

"Mum! I don't even think he likes me, and we just started hanging out like two weeks ago, calm down."

Michael's mom sighed before turning off the stove and faced him. "Honey, I can see that you like him, you were practically drooling over him drooling." Michael's cheeks reddened. He didn't know his mom saw that.

Michael licked his chapped lips. "I don't know..I love spending time with him, I just don't want things to get awkward."

"When did you two first meet?" She changed the subject, and turned towards the stove again. She poured the scrambled eggs into two plates before setting them down on the table.

"During gym. We're doing track and
Mr. Hanely put him on my team. He really good, Mum. His 100 meter time is like 13.6 seconds."

She nodded her head. "And that's all?" She saw right through him.

Michael sighed and shook his head. "And we may have kissed a couple times." A smile appeared on his face at the thought of the
make out session they had in the nurse's office.

Karen awed at her son. He's never shared his feelings with her before. "Tell him how you feel. He deserves to know, and by the looks of it, he feels the same way."

Michael nodded his head. "I will, eventually."

He took a forkful of his breakfast and started eating, suddenly wondering why Luke was taking so long to get changed.

Luke was done changing a while ago. He was spending his time leaning on the wall outside the kitchen door, listening to Michael confess his hidden feelings for him.


Muke is so cute omg!! thank you for reading this story and voting I really appreciate it. I hope you're liking the story idk if this is cringy I hope it's not lol!!

- Emily :)

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