Chapter 17

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Luke was laying in the very uncomfortable hospital bed with his leg elevated. His ankle wasn't hurting at the moment, thanks to the painkillers the doctor gave him. Luke was dressed in one of those hideous hospital nightgowns and he just wanted to go home.

He was currently watching an episode of The Walking Dead that was playing on the tv and he was quickly captivated into the storyline. The blonde was startled when the door swung open and watched as a very worried looking Michael rushed over to the side of the bed. He grabbed Luke's hand as he looked at his foot that was in the air.

"Oh my god are you okay? I got a call from your mum saying you got hurt. Is it bad? Do yo-"

"I'm fine, Mikey."

Luke blushed at his boyfriend's words, loving how caring he was. Michael nodded his head and gave him a smile. He grabbed Luke's hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.

"What happened anyway?"

Luke froze and looked at Michael. He cocked his eyebrow in confusion.

"U-Um.. you see.."

Michael huffed. "Luke.."

Luke rolled his eyes and sighed. "We were training and as I was g-going around the bend, Dustin t-tripped me and I fell really hard on my ankle." He spit it out really fast since there was no point in hiding it from him.

Michael stopped his hand that was rubbing Luke's arm. He got up from the chair and walked back and forth in the middle of the room. He turned to Luke and opened his mouth like he was about to say something but closed it just as quick.

Luke watched as the red head wiped his face with his palms and ran his hand through his unruly hair. "You mean to tell me that that son of a bitch did this to you?"

The younger boy nodded meekly. Michael growled as he started for the door. "I'm gonna beat the living shit out of that fucking douche."

Luke gasped," No! P-Please don't Michael! I'm fine, see?"

He pointed towards the black brace that was around his ankle. The last thing he wanted to happen was to make Dustin hate him even more.

"Luke, that asshat needs to pay and I'm not just gonna sit here while he gets away with it! You realize you can't compete anymore, right? He did this and he needs consequences!"

Luke cowered into the pillow as Michael raised his voice. He never yelled at Luke like that before.

"M-Maybe if you just calmed dow-"

"I don't need to fucking calm down, Luke! Are you seriously going to defend him after what he did? I can't believe you right now!" Michael's voice boomed inside the small hospital room as Luke whimpered.

Michael stopped when he heard Luke sniffle. He knelt down next to the bed and stroked his bony hand.

"Baby, I'm sorry, I'm just worked up at the moment."

"Get out." Luke spoke, a tear running down his cheek. He never dealt with yelling very well and to hear it from his own boyfriend hurt the most.

"What? Luke, I'm sorry I yelled I didn't meant it-"

"Please.." Luke whispered, "Just please go."

He buried himself deeper into the covers as Michael huffed.

"Fine, if you're just going to take his side then I guess I don't have any business being here."

Luke bit his lip as he watched Michael stomp out of the room and slam the door shut.

He sniffled and wiped his eyes as he sat alone in the room once again. Luke could hear Rick's voice on the tv in the background as he sat in silence. He fiddled with his hands before the door opened again. He looked up, hoping it would be Michael ready to apologize but he was met with him mother.

"I just saw Michael run out.. are you okay?"

Luke nodded but the tears pouring out of his eyes said otherwise. Liz pulled her son into her arms, rocking him back and forth.

"I-I don't know what h-happened." He hiccuped. "He just got so m-mad all of a sudden and started yelling."

His mom rubbed his back as he let out quiet sobs. "I don't know why he took it out on

Liz pulled back and rested her hands on Luke's shoulders. "Just give him time, he's just mad at who did it, Luke. Not you, you've done nothing wrong, Baby."

Luke nodded and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He didn't know what got into Michael, but he damn well wanted to figure it out.


I don't really like this chapter ugh but I needed to get some drama in there and get Mike to get mad lolol

Do you think Luke is gonna find out more about Michael when he gets out of the hospital??

Don't forget to comment and vote!!

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