Chapter 3

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Luke ran over to the fourth mark where he would run and looked around. He noticed that Dustin was running against him along with two other jocks.

'This is gonna be good.' Luke said to himself.

Before he knew it, Mr. Hanely shot the fake gun into the sky and the first runners were off. Ashton ran first, and started the team off in second place. He started to approach Calum and handed the baton off to him. Calum quickly turned with the baton and sprinted towards Michael. Calum slowed down to third place and handed to baton to Michael. He sprinted past a student who seemed to already be out of breath and crept up to Luke.

Luke reached his arm behind him and grabbed the stick from Michael, sprinting towards the finish line. He could sense someone was close behind him but didn't dare to look back, afraid it would slow him down. He could feel his skinny jeans sticking to his legs but they didn't seem to slow him down. Luke pushed forward and got a bigger lead between the other person. Luke remained in first place as he crossed the ending line and looked back, and he realized the person behind him the whole time was Dustin, and he did not look pleased.

Dustin approached him, panting, "Good race, Faggot."

Luke nodded his head and brushed past him towards Michael. Luke saw him smiling at him and an automatic blush came across his cheeks.

"I honestly don't know how you do it especially with fucking skinny jeans on!" Michael exclaimed.

Luke laughed, "I-I don't k-know e-either."

"Hey, me, Calum and Ashton were gonna hang at my place after school, wanna come?" Michael asked with a smile.

Luke nodded his head. "I-I'll have t-to a-ask my m-mum b-but she'll p-probably say y-yes."

Michael smiled "Ok great! When we get back inside I'll give you my number so I can text you later."

Luke nodded again and squeaked out an "ok".

"Luke! Could you come here for a minute?" He heard Mr. Hanely yell.

His eyes widened. 'Was I in trouble?' Luke thought.

Luke walked over to where Mr. Hanely was and looked up.

Mr. Hanely started, "Luke, I've seen how well you've been doing and how fast you are and I was wondering if you'd like to join the track team. You'd be an amazing addition and I think you'll be very successful."

Luke let out a breath and thought for a moment. "I-I don't r-really k-know Mr. H-Hanely. I've n-never done a-anything like that b-before."

"That's why I thought you could try it out and see if you liked it. You don't have to, I just thought you would be excellent and maybe have fun as well."

"I'll d-definitely t-think about it, t-thank you."

Mr. Hanely patted Luke on the back. "No problem."

It was time to go back into the school and get changed again. Luke walked into the locker room and trudged to his locker in the corner, his back facing everyone. Since his gym clothes got stolen, he just needed to change his shoes. He sat down on the bench and reached for his converse when they were snatched from him before he could grab them. Luke looked up and saw Dustin sporting a smirk with his converse in his hands.

"P-please g-give t-them b-back." Luke stuttered.

Dustin laughed loudly. "I'll give them back when you can fucking talk like a normal person."

Luke's bottom lip wobbled and he could feel his eyes filling with tears. He knew he had a stuttering problem, but no one had ever complained about it.

Luke looked around and saw that almost everyone was watching him. Great.

He took a deep breath and tried to talk as  slowly as he could without stuttering. "Please give me my s-shoes back."

Dustin smirked and pushed Luke against the locker. He whimpered and the tears in his eyes overflowed, streaming down his face.

"Look at the little Faggot, crying like a little baby." Dustin taunted.

"What the fuck are you doing?" a voice boomed throughout the locker room.

Luke's eyes shot toward the direction of the voice and saw Michael walking over to Dustin, his face mad. He sniffled, catching Michael's attention. His face softened until he looked back at Dustin.

"Get your fucking hands off of him. Now." Michael squeezed his hands into fists.

"Chill out Mikey, I'm just having some fun." Dustin rolled his eyes.

"Let go of him before I make you." Michael growled.

"Alright fucking calm down." Dustin released his tight grip on Luke and glanced at Michael before walking back to his locker.

Luke visibly relaxed and wiped the tears off his face. He looked up at Michael only to see that he was already looking at him.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Michael questioned.

Luke shook his head. "N-No I-I'm ok. T-thanks f-for t-that."

"Anytime, tell me if he does anything like that again, ok?" Michael asked him.

Luke nodded his head and say back down on the bench, replacing his running sneakers with his worn out converse. He walked out of the locker room to his regular locker, Michael trailing close behind him. He grabbed his books for the next few classes and turned to Michael.

Michael looked down at Luke. "Can I give you my number now so I can text you the details for after school?"

Luke quickly nodded his head and grabbed his phone from his bag. He opened a new contact and handed his phone to Michael. Michael put his name as 'Mikey :)'  and saved his number. He handed his phone back to Luke and put it back in his bag and closed his locker.

Michael smiled, "I'll text you later, Blondie."


There's chapter 3! Am I going too quick with muke? I feel like I am but I don't know how else to write it. We got 5 reads on this story so far and I'm really happy and I'm hoping there will be a little more after this chapter!! Thanks for reading ily!!

- Emily :))

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