Chapter 18

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Luke just got back from the hospital and was laying down in his bed with his braced ankle perched on two pillows. The doctor said to keep it elevated and to stay off of it as much as possible.

Luke glared at the crutches that were leaning on the edge of his bed. He hated the thought of even using them.

'Why did this have to happen to me?' Luke thought to himself.

Luke closed his eyes and thought about the recent events that occurred in the past two hours. Michael stormed into his room and got mad at him for reasons that were not his fault. It was like he couldn't even control his anger. Luke was worried that Michael would act even worse in the future.

Could this have something to do with what Dustin told him earlier? Luke didn't necessarily believe him before but now it seemed more clear.

His thoughts were interrupted by his bedroom door opening. He raised his head and saw Ashton and Calum peaking their heads through the threshold. He didn't know if he preferred to have Michael walk through the the door but he's glad it was them.

"H-Hey, what are y-you guys doing here?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Ashton sat next to Luke, putting his legs on the bed. He avoided knocking the crutches to the floor. "We came to see how you were doing. We heard what happened, that asshole." He grumbled as he recalled Michael calling the two boys, telling them Luke was in the hospital.

Calum moved to the other side of the bed and took a seat.

"That's n-nice of you, I'm fine I guess..But Michael g-got really mad at me when he came to visit. I told him that it was D-Dustin and he c-completely changed moods."

Ashton closed his eyes and sighed. He thought Michael had gotten better.

"There's something we know..about Michael, that you don't. And we would love to tell you but it's better if it comes from Michael himself. I'm sorry, but it's personal."

Luke nodded. It seemed he didn't know Michael as well as he thought he did. "That's okay, t-thank you. Do you know w-where he went?"

"Probably a bar." Calum interrupted.

Luke frowned, not liking that his boyfriend was drinking away his problems. Calum patted his shoulder, "It's alright, he's alright. Michael just needs some time to figure things out."

"F-Figure things out? What does t-that mean?" Luke's eyes widened.

Ashton gasped, "He's not breaking up with you, God, no! He's just under a lot of stress right now, he needs to figure out the best way to tell you this kind of thing."

Luke looked down at his hands. "Is it really that bad?"

The two boys got up from the bed and headed for the door. Ashton turned and gave the hurt boy a sad smile. "Feel better, Luke."

Luke nodded and waved as they walked out of his room. He groaned loudly as he laid back down and covered himself with his blankets.

He really needed a nap.


Not sure how I feel about this chapter oh well


And don't forget to comment and vote!! feedback is appreciated

- Em

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