Chapter 13 +

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Luke could really get used to waking up in Michael's arms. He could get used to the tight grasps around his waist and Michael's breath on the back of his neck. And he could definitely get used to listening to Michael's soft mumbles as he sleeps.

The blonde looked behind him and saw Michael's eyes still shut, with his long eyelashes resting on the top of his cheeks. Luke noticed the way Michael's nose would scrunch up every now and then, and how he would let out tiny whines when he would move ever so slightly. Luke caressed Michael's cheek and placed a kiss on his button nose. The once silent room was filled with light groans coming from the red headed boy. Luke watched as Michael's eyes fluttered open and was met with the beautiful green orbs he loved seeing every day.

Michael gave Luke a soft smile and snuggled into his shirt. "Hi Babe." He whispered.

Luke cooed at how cute his boyfriend was acting and ran his fingers through his dyed hair. "Good morning, Sweetie."

Michael hummed and buried his face into the crook of Luke's neck. "You're being very affectionate this morning, Baby. What's up?"

Michael shook his head and kissed Luke's neck, sucking on it. He continued to bruise the blonde's neck, leaving a dark purple hickey to the world to see.

"Nothing. I just want to repay you for last night. Is that okay, Baby Boy?"

The sudden change in atmosphere was apparent, the room seeming warmer than it was two minutes ago. Luke could feel his heart beat quicken. Michael leant down and pressed his lips against Luke's, adding his tongue.

Luke whimpered into the kiss, "Michael, make me feel good."

Michael growled and sat up, his change in demeanor turning Luke on even more. "I'm gonna make you feel so good, Baby Boy."

He lifted the hem of Luke's shirt, asking if he could take it off. With a simple nod, it was ripped off of his body and onto the floor. Michael's hands roamed Luke's body, pinching his waist often.

"You're so pretty, Luke. So beautiful."

Luke moaned, "Do something, Mikey, please." He was starting to get impatient from all the touches and kind words.

Michael made his way down to Luke's shorts and grabbed his hard on through the material. Luke groaned and bucked his hips into the air. The red head chuckled and put his hand on Luke's hips, keeping him from thrusting up. Michael left a firm kiss on his dick through his boxers and Luke grabbed his hair, begging for him to stop teasing him. Michael smirked and pulled his boxers down, Luke's hard cock springing up and hitting his stomach. Michael licked his lips at the sight. Luke was panting, sweat on his forehead with his hands grasping the sheets tightly. He looked absolutely gorgeous and Michael couldn't wait to wreck him.

He began to kiss down Luke's cock, before licking a stripe up to the tip. He wrapped his lips around his tip and sucked hard. Luke gasped and grabbed a handful of Michael's hair and pulled on it. "P-please don't s-stop..oh my g-god."

Michael released Luke's dick from his mouth with a smirk. The blonde whined as the pleasure of Michael's mouth went away. He huffed and stared as Michael looked through his bedside drawer. He assumed he was looking for lube.

Luke blushed and muttered, "I-I don't have any." Michael gave him a smile before saying, "That's ok. Suck." He held out two fingers in front of Luke's mouth. Luke opened his mouth, allowing Michael to put his fingers in. Luke hummed around his digits, making Michael moan.

"You like that, Babe? You want these fingers in your tight hole?" Luke moaned around his fingers and nodded, releasing them with a 'pop'.

Michael patted Luke's thigh. "Spread your legs." He rubbed his middle finger in a circular motion over the ring of muscle before slowly pushing it in. Luke gasped at the unfamiliar feeling, squirming under Michael's touch. He closed his eyes as Michael pleasured him, getting used to the feeling of his finger.

Michael began to thrust in and out of Luke at a faster pace, making the boy curse and moan at how good Michael was making him feel. His head fell back onto the pillow in pleasure, loving the feeling of Michael's finger inside him.

"M-More, I need more, Mike." Luke panted.

The red head slowly added a second finger, stretching Luke's hole. Luke hissed, feeling the sudden pain of the stretch. Michael grabbed Luke's cock and started to pump it, flicking his thumb over the tip. He was driving Luke crazy as he worked his hole and cock at the same time.

He continued thrusting his two fingers inside of Luke, working up a rhythm with his other hand that was jacking Luke off. The blonde pulled on Michael's hair before whimpering, "F-Fuck! Babe, I n-need more, please!"

Michael glanced up at the beautiful boy below him, withering in pleasure just caused by his hands. He watched as Luke had his mouth open with moans spilling out, his back arching at the rush of ecstasy he felt. He slipped a third finger, causing Luke to yell out, "Holy fuck!"

"Does that feel good, Luke? Hm? You like my fingers up your ass?" The smaller boy cursed, and breathed out shakily.

"It f-feels so fucking g-good, Mike." Luke moaned. He had never experienced this sort of pleasure before. He reveled in the feeling of his boyfriend's fingers up his ass. His legs were shaking and his back arched at the unbearable pleasure of Michael's fingers continuously hitting his prostate. He shivered in bliss, Michael's hand pumping his cock at the same pace as his fingers. Luke kept his hold on Michael's hair as he groaned out, "I'm gonna cum."

Michael leant down to Luke's ear and muttered, "Cum for me, Princess." As soon as he spoke those words, Luke cried out, "Shit!" He felt strings of cum hit his stomach, his arched back high in the air. He panted, trying to regain his breath. Luke stared at Michael and watched as he licked the excess cum off his fingers. He closed his eyes and whispered a quiet 'fuck'.

Michael pressed his lips to Luke's, leaving little kisses all around his face. "Did you like that, Babe?" He said before kissing his cheek.

Luke had never been so intimate with someone as he just was with Michael. He trusted the boy so much and felt so much love inside of him. Michael treated him like a princess, and he has never loved someone like he loves Michael.

"Yes, I loved it..a-and I love you."

Michael breath caught in his throat. He never thought he would hear Luke say those words to him but he's so glad he did.

"God, I love you so fucking much, Luke. I love you." Michael wrapped his arms around Luke and pressed his lips to his temple, leaving a lingering kiss. The boys held one another close to each other, mumbling out quiet 'I love you's' every so often.

Michael laid Luke down onto the bed and got under the covers himself. He pulled Luke on top of his chest and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Baby."

Luke smiled as he felt his cheeks become red. "I love you too, Michael."


I actually wasn't planning on writing smut this chapter but the heart wants what the heart wants lol don't forget to vote and comment!!

- Emily :))

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