Chapter 5

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Luke woke up to the feeling of strong arms wrapped around him. He smiled and looked up at Michael and remembered last night. Luke blushes and buried his head in Michaels chest. That stirred Michael and his eyes fluttered open.

Michael smiled. "Well hello there."

Luke giggled and whispered out a 'hi'.

Michael seemed to notice how close the two were and unwrapped his arms from Luke and sat up. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and looked down at Luke with a smile. Luke giggled at how cute Michael looked, like a little kitten.

"What time is it?" Michael questioned.

"Like 9:30." Luke sat up next to him

Michael pulled back the covers and got up from the bed. He was about to walk out the door when he turned around and noticed Luke still in bed.

"You comin'?

Luke scrambled out of the bed to Michaels side. Michael chuckled and headed downstairs. When they got downstairs Luke noticed Karen in the kitchen drinking coffee. She looked up from the magazine she was reading and smiled when she saw Luke.

"Hi Luke! I didn't know you stayed over, did you sleep well?"

She got up from her chair and opened the refrigerator. She got out at least 8 eggs and slices of cheese.

Luke sat down in her seat. "I-I slept really
g-good, t-thank you."

Michael sat down next to him and sat in silence. He played with his fingers while his mother cooked breakfast and Luke watched him. A thought came to Michael that he forgot to ask Luke.

"What did Mr. Hanely want the other day?" Michael furrowed his brows.

He caught Luke off guard and he tried to think of what he meant.

"O-Oh! H-He asked m-me if I-I wanted to
j-join the t-track t-team." Luke smiled.

Michael's lips fell into a smile. He thought it would be a great opportunity for Luke to break out of his shell.

"That's great! So are you gonna say yes? Because you should." Michael tried to persuade him into joining.

Luke breathed out. "I-I've t-though about it,
b-but D-Dustin is on t-the t-team and I-I don't f-feel c-comfortable a-around him." He trailed off, looking down at the counter.

Michael sighed with a frown. Dustin is an asshole to Luke and he can't seem to get him to stop.

"Whatever he says to you, all the snide comments, insults, don't listen to him. He's just an asshole." Michael comforted him

"Michael! Language!" Karen yelled at her son

"Sorry." he mumbled

Luke let out a soft laugh. He blushed and tucked his hands in his lap.

"B-But what h-he says is t-true." Luke's voice cracks and his eyes pricked with tears.

Michael widened his eyes and grabbed Luke's arm pulling him into the living room. He sat down on the couch and looked at Luke. His head was down and was looking down at his lap. Michael put his finger under Luke's chin and lifted his head up to meet his gaze.

He breathed out before speaking. "Luke, you're so talented, smart and funny. I don't know how you've put up with him for so long but that just shows how strong you are, ok? You're so much better than that douche. Don't let his words affect who you a-"

Before he could finish, Luke jumped up and wrapped his arms around Michael's neck, burning his face in his neck. Michael could feel Luke's tears on his shirt and he threaded his fingers through the small boy's hair. Michael mumbled out 'shhs' and 'it's okays' to Luke, who continued to weep into his chest. After some time, he pulled away and wiped the straying tears away.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-It's j-just that n-no-no one has ever s-said t-that to me b-before." he hiccuped

Michael's eyes softened even more than they already were. "Really?"

"W-Well e-except my m-mum." he let out a broken laugh

Michael looked Luke in the eyes and said, "I'll gladly tell you everyday how special you are."

Something flickered in Michael's mind and he directed his gaze to Luke's plump lips. He looked between Luke's eyes and lips and felt himself lean forward. Luke gasped and watched as Michael leaned towards him. He closed his eyes and waited for Michael's lips to touch his. Just as they were about to meet, the two boys were interrupted.

"Boys! Breakfast is ready!"


There's chapter 5! I've heard al lot of people say they don't like cheese or ketchup with their eggs and they say it's disgusting?? I don't know why bc it's the best thing on earth tbh. We're up to 13 reads and I'm excited!!

- Emily :)

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