Chapter 15

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The next day at school, Luke was sitting on a bench in the locker rooms. He just finished gym class with Michael, who just stood by Luke the whole time, until he had to race. Which then, he would stand on the side of the track and cheer Luke on, like the personal cheerleader he was.

He liked to take his time after gym, which was why he was the only one left in the room. He was untying his laces when a sudden bang was heard from in front of him. His head shot up and was faced with a smirking Dustin. He sunk into his seat and looked down at his tied shoes.

"Hey, Fag. Whatcha doing?" Dustin taunted.

Luke ignored him and finished untying his sneakers. Dustin growled and grabbed the front of Luke's shirt pinning him to a locker. Luke gasped as the lock dug into his back, making him whimper. Dustin grinned devilishly and pushed Luke harder into the locker.

Luke continued to whimper as he held the collar of his shirt. "I've seen you around with Michael an awful lot lately, anything you want to tell me?"

The blonde squeezed his eyes shut. "H-He's my b-boyfriend." He stuttered out.

Dustin chuckled, "No one could love you, you're pathetic. Let me tell you something,"
He released his grip on Luke's shirt before speaking again.

"He doesn't mean it. Every kind word, gesture, every time he says he loves you, he lies. He feels sorry for you, he has since you were on his team in gym. You really think he would want an ugly fag like you?"

Luke shook his head. "H-He loves me. He w-wouldn't lie."

Dusting laughed at his words. "But he doesn't. Michael pities you, he feels sorry that you have no friends. He's just waiting for you to give yourself to him so he can dump your ass."

Luke's eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill out. "He wouldn't d-do that."

"Really? Do you know him at all? He was my best friend since middle school. He has a past Luke, one you don't want to know. He'll hurt you and when he does, I'll just say I told you so." Dustin growled before walking out of the locker room.

Luke slid down to the ground as stray tears slipped down his cheeks. Why does Dustin have to do this? He had such a great time with Michael these last few days and he comes and tried to ruin it. But would he make something up like that? He's known Michael a lot longer than he has.

But should he ask Michael, or wait for him to bring it up? Luke sighed and wiped his tears as he took off his sneakers. He was going to wait until Michael told him himself. Even if he had to wait a long time to hear it.


Very short chapter I'm sorry but I've been having writers block lately so if you have any ideas on how the story should play out next comment some ideas! the drama is starting ooo

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