Chapter 2

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The next day came fast. Luke was on his way to the locker rooms for gym class when a group of boys approached him.

"What're you doing, Faggot?" one of the guys said who Luke recognized as Dustin.

"I-I'm going t-to the locker r-room." Luke stuttered.

Dustin and two other guys that he did not know walked towards Luke and backed him against the wall. Luke gulped and looked up at them.

"Why would you go in the locker rooms when you don't have any clothes?" Dustin asked him.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion,
"W-what d-do you me-"

Dustin quickly grabbed Luke's gym clothes from his grasp and turned towards his friends.

"So easy." One of the unknown boys mumbled under his breath.

Luke sighed, now he won't be able to do gym and he promised Michael he'd be on his relay team. Luke trudged into the locker rooms and walked up to Mr. Hanely's office. He knocked on the door and entered after hearing a muffled 'come in'.

Luke opened the door and saw Mr. Hanely sitting at his desk, reading through papers. Luke clears his throat, catching his attention.

Mr. Hanely looks up from the papers with a smile. "Luke, shouldn't you be getting dressed?"

Luke gulps, "Y-yeah well a-bout t-that.. I s-sort of f-forgot them at h-home." Luke lied.

Mr. Hanely smiled, "That's alright, it's your first time forgetting, just put on your sneakers, and please don't let this happen again, ok?"

"O-ok t-thank you"

Mr. Hanely nodded his head and Luke turned and walked out of his office. He speed walked to his locker and hurried to switch his black worn out converse for his nike running sneakers. He walked past the other lockers and heard the jocks snickering as he passed by. Luke glanced over at them and noticed Dustin put his stolen gym clothes in his locker. Luke shook his head and walked outside toward the track.

When Luke arrived he noticed Michael, Calum and Ashton sitting together on the bleachers. Luke waved to Michael and he waved back, telling him to come sit with them. He climbed the steps and sat next to Michael as Ashton and Calum watched the first race. They cheered on their friends as Luke sat quietly and observed.

Michael turns to Luke and says, "You should run first since the fastest usually anchor. If we knew you were as fast as you are yesterday, we wouldn't have put you second." Michael laughed.

Luke rubbed his hands against his thighs. "Y-yeah s-sure! And i-it's ok, I-I u-understand."

Michael took in Luke's appearance. "Are you gonna be able to go fast in your jeans? They look suffocating!" Michael laughed again, trying to make Luke feel comfortable.

Luke shook his head. "I t-think I-I'll be

Michael nods his head and turns back to Calum and Ashton, who were talking about a band they saw the weekend before. The four boys chatted until Mr. Hanely blew his whistle and called the teams for the next race.


This was a short chapter but the next one will be longer I promise. I'm really hoping as I update more I'll have some reads for this book so I can start an update schedule. I'll most likely write whenever I have free time, which is a lot lol. ily xx

- Emily :)

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