Chapter 4

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Luke was sitting on his bed after school when he got his first text from Michael.

Mikey :): hey luke! we're meeting up around 4 at my house xx

Lukey: ok! I'll see you there xx

Michael sent Luke his address and got his house ready for the guys to come over. He filled some bowls with pretzels and chips and put them on the coffee table in the living room, where they will probably play video games and watch movies all night.

He went up to his room and took a long shower, having some time before his friends show up. After showering, he changed into a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt. Michael laid on his bed, going through his phone before the doorbell rings.

Ashton was the first to arrive, saying he "just couldn't wait". Michael chuckled and sat himself down on the sofa again. There was a comfortable silence until Ashton spoke up.

"I can't believe how fast Luke is. Especially today with his skinny jeans on! And he acts like he doesn't know he's amazing!"

Michael breathed out with a laugh. He's been thinking that since he first saw Luke run.

"I know, right? It's kinda amazing how he does it, along with the bullying and stuff."

Ashton nodded his head and went back on his phone. Michael stared off into space, only thinking of the blonde haired boy.


An hour later Calum and Luke finally arrived and the four of them were situated on the couch in Michaels living room.

"W-What do you g-guys want t-to do?" Luke piped up.

Michael looked at him, "We could play some video games."

Luke smiled at him and nodded. They agreed on FIFA since it was the only game and out Michaels collection that Luke actually knew how to play.

After countless games of FIFA, Luke may or may not have beat Michael every time. He sat with a pout, arms crossed, on the couch in between Luke and Ashton, with Calum on the other side of Ashton. They previously put in the movie, "Series of Unfortunate Events", and were easily captivated in the storyline.

The boys turned their heads at the sound of the front door opening. Michael's mother, Luke presumed, walked in and greeted the boys on the couch.

"Hello, I don't believe we've met before! I'm Michael's mum, you can call me Karen." She stuck her hand out for Luke to shake. He took her hand and shook it, dropping his hand to his lap.

"I'm L-Luke, it's n-nice to m-meet you Karen." Luke smiled.

She smiled, "Alright boys, I'm going to head upstairs, and Michael, please don't take a nap or you won't be able to sleep at night." Karen told her son.

Michael rolled his eyes. He yawned before answering, "Yeah, yeah."

Karen chuckled and headed up the stairs. Luke checked the clock on the wall and saw that it was a little past six. He looked back at the tv and tried to follow along with the movie. Ashton and Calum suddenly stood up from the couch.

"Me and Cal are gonna get going, we have some homework due tomorrow." Ashton yawned.

Michael looked up at the two and nodded. "Alright, be safe driving back."

The two boys waved him off and walked out the front door. Michael turned toward Luke and stared at him. Luke furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him.

"W-What are you s-staring at?" Luke shifted uncomfortably.

"What do you want to do now?" Michael questioned back.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "I-I don't k-know. W-W is t-there to d-do?"

Michael stood up and grabbed Luke's hand, pulling him up the stairs. They stopped outside of a door, Luke assuming it was Michael's room. Michael opened the door and walked in, plugging his phone into the iHome. He scrolled through some playlists and finally settled on one. The music erupted throughout the room and Luke instantly recognized the song as 'I Miss You' by Blink-182, one of his favorites. Michael plopped himself on his bed and Luke followed. He sat himself in the corner of the bed while Michael laid himself down and got under the covers. He glanced at Luke and chuckled.

"I'm not gonna bite, ya know?"

Luke blushed and crawled to where he was laying down. He situated himself so he was laying right next to him, under the blanket. He closed his eyes and hummed along with the song. He heard Michael quietly sing along with him. Luke could feel himself fall asleep and pried his eyes open.

"M-Mike I'm g-getting tired, I t-think I'm
g-gonna leave." Luke let out a yawn.

Michael shook his head. "No, don't leave! You could stay over! Please?" He begged.

Luke laughed and got up from the bed. "L-Let me t-tell my m-mum."

He got his phone from the bedside table and sent a text to his mother, telling her that he was staying at a friend's house. He got a quick reply saying that it was fine, but to come back tomorrow. Luke got back into the bed and got himself comfortable. He shut his eyes and fell asleep right away.

Michael listened to Luke's deep breaths and quiet snores, feeling himself smiling. He turned to Luke and wrapped his arm over his stomach, spooning him. He closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile.

Although Michael didn't listen to his mother about falling asleep early, he had the best sleep he's had in years.


This chapter was kinda long wow but I feel like I'm going too quick with muke + if any of you know or have watched Series of Unfortunate Events I will love you forever

- Emily :)

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