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5 years later
Luke was awoken from his slumber by a loud cry. He furrowed his eyebrows and without moving from his position, he hit Michael in his face.

"Your turn." He mumbled into his pillow.

Michael groaned, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He got out of bed and trudged towards the nursery at the end of the hallway.

He opened the door and was greeted by even louder cries coming from the crib.

His mouth formed into a frown as he saw the baby with tears running down his face.

"Why so sad, Baby boy? Why you cryin', hm?" He cooed in the baby's ear as he lifted him from the crib.

The baby's cries continued, his little hands hitting Michael's shoulders.

Michael started rub the boy's back. "Shh baby Ollie, it's okay..shh," He kissed he baby's temple, "What's the matter, Oliver?" He asked the 5 month old.

"You hungry? Do you need a bottle?" Oliver's tears stopped flowing and he began staring at Michael.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Michael gave the little baby a sweet kiss on his forehead. Michael read somewhere that baby's can only clearly see people's faces if they are close to their eyes. He always did that with Oliver.

Michael and Luke adopted Oliver after they got married. Michael proposed after they both finished college. The two always wanted a baby of their own, and when they saw Ollie at the adoption center, they knew they had to add him to their family.

Michael carefully crept down the dimly lit staircase, holding Oliver close to his chest. Ollie was busy sucking on his fingers as his head rested on Michael's shoulder.

The new dad quickly fixed a bottle of milk and heated it up in the microwave. Michael sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen and quietly pressed the nub of the bottle into Oliver's mouth.

The baby quickly sucked on the nub, closing his eyes as Michael fed him. Michael set his gaze on his baby. Oliver was the greatest thing that had happened to him, aside from Luke, of course.

Ollie was about halfway done with the bottle when Michael felt a presence behind him. He felt Luke's hand on his open shoulder, his other hand on Michael's bicep.

Michael turned them around and let Luke stand between his legs.

Luke ran his hand through Michael's hair, "You were taking a long time, got worried."

Michael looked down at his son, "We're just hanging out."

Luke smiled and laid his hand on Oliver's small head. He gently rubbed the soft skin and cooed when Ollie nudged his head away from the bottle, leaving it empty.

"You were hungry, weren't you Baby?" Michael talked in his baby voice, bringing Oliver to his chest so he could burp him.

Oliver gurgled as Michael patted his small back. Luke giggled as Oliver let out a loud burp.

"That was a big one, Ollie. One more, Buddy." He baby talked.

Michael gave him a few more pats, and he heard a little burp come from the baby.

"There you go, Ollie. Let's head back upstairs so your Daddy can go back to sleep." Michael hummed as the trio headed upstairs and into the nursery.

Luke rubbed his thumb over Oliver's rosy cheek before planted a kiss to his nose and then a small peck on his thin lips. Oliver scrunched his face up, a little smile on his face.

Luke pecked his lips again, a tiny shriek coming from the baby. The parents giggled, Michael giving a kiss Ollie's forehead.

"We love you, Olliebear." Luke whispered as Michael laid the baby boy back into his crib.

Michael put a navy blue binky in Oliver's mouth. Michael and Luke watched as Oliver rustled around in the crib, until he fell asleep.

The pair slowly left the light green nursery, heading to the master bedroom.

They got into bed, Michael covering Luke with the duvet. He wrapped his arm over Luke's waist, nuzzling his nose into the blonde's neck.

"I can't believe this is our life."

Michael whispered, running his hand up and down Luke's side. Michael loved this domestic life. He loved coming home from work everyday and seeing Luke winding down from his day, with their little baby laying on the rug in front of the tv for his tummy time.

"I love this, I love us..I love you."

Luke's voice progressively got raspier, signaling that he was close to falling asleep again.

"I love you, Luke. Thank you for giving me this life."

Luke smiled, grabbing Michael's hand in his, leaning his head up a bit so Michael could leave a firm kiss on his lips, imprinting their love for one another.


OFFICIALLY THE END OF SPRINT OMG!!!! This was my favorite chapter to write by far





also tell me if you guys want more stories about muke!! it's my favorite ship so i might

don't forget about Obey also! i update that too so maybe read it who knows


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