Chapter 11

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Luke ended up staying the night at Michael's house, claiming he didn't want to leave his boyfriend all alone. Mike gave Luke clothes to sleep in that were way too big for him, and scooted over on the bed for him to lay down. Luke jumped on the bed and giggled as Michael bounced up slightly. The older boy smiled at his boyfriend's childlike behavior and made grabby hands towards him.

Luke crawled over to Michael and curled himself into his chest. Michael ran his hand through Luke's hair, loving how soft it always was. The blonde sighed contently at the peaceful moment which was soon interrupted by Michael.

"Are you excited for track tomorrow?" Michael asked softly tugging on the end of his hair. Luke buried his face into the crook of Michael's neck.

He mumbled against his skin, "I f-forgot. I guess I-I am. D-Dustin is on the team, h-he'll have c-complete access to do w-whatever he wants. I mean, he a-apologized and
e-everything, but I still don't t-trust him and I'm gonna be a-alone and he'll p-put me t-through hell." He confessed.

Michael kissed the top of his head comfortingly, leaving little kisses on his forehead as Luke leaned up. "You'll be fine, Lukey. Do you want me to stay after and watch? I could make sure Dustin doesn't try anything."

Luke's eyes brightened. "Can you? P-Please come and w-watch! Oh and c-can you drive me h-home too?"

Michael groaned jokingly, "I'm not a taxi, Luke."

The smaller boy rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Michael's chest, only for him to grab his arms and pull Luke on top of him. He squealed as he sat on Michael's hips and intertwined both of their hands together.

Luke stared at his boyfriend, and took in all of his beautiful features. His eyes were the perfect shade of green that complimented his pale skin. He had long eyelashes that rested over his cheeks when he slept, and his lips were dark pink and plump. His dark red hair complimented his pale complexion. Michael was perfect in Luke's eyes.

The blonde was about to lean down and give Michael a kiss when the bedroom door opened. The boys were greeted by Michael's mother in the doorway. She had her arms crossed at what she saw. What would a mom do if she saw her only son with another boy on top of him, with no one home?

Karen uncrossed her arms and put her hands on her hips, giving Michael a stern glare, with a small smile creeping up. "What's going on here?"

By that time, Luke crawled off of Michael and sat next to him with a deep blush on his cheeks. The shy boy looked down and fiddled with his hands, not wanting to look at his boyfriend's mother.

Michael glanced at Luke and then back at his mom. ", we were just talking." He told the truth, they were talking, but he left out all of the kisses and few makeout sessions they shared. He figured his mother didn't need to know about those.

Karen nodded her head, not believing her son. "Alright, then. You two have fun, and don't stay up too late, you have school tomorrow. And Michael,"

"Yea Mum?" he asked.

"Keep your hands to yourself. Good night boys." She closed the door and Luke let out a laugh. He buried his face into the pillow he was leaning on and let out deep chuckles.

Michael groaned. "It's not that funny, Lucas."

"Y-Yes it is! You're mum is awesome!" Luke giggled and faced Michael's now beet red face.

"She's so embarrassing." He mumbled against Luke's hair.

The blonde hummed, cuddling against Michael, his strong arms wrapped around his waist warming his body. The boys stayed like that for the rest of the night, only moving when Michael gave Luke a goodnight kiss.


It was after school, and Luke was in the middle of his first track practice. Michael had been sitting on the bleachers, watching his boyfriend, as promised. He had avoided Dustin for the beginning of the practice but he didn't want to get his hopes up. He was currently at the side of the track, stretching his long legs, getting ready to practice his 100 meter time. He wanted to get his time down to 13 seconds flat and he was only short by a couple milliseconds.

He let go of his leg at the sound of Mr. Hanely's whistle. "Alright! Time to run through the 100 meter. Sam, Dustin, Mark and Luke, on the track!"

Luke walked up to lane three and knelt down, getting into ready position. "Luke, you need to beat 13.8, alright?" Luke nodded and breathed out.

He heard Dustin next to him scoff. "13.8? Step up your game Hemmings." Luke furrowed his eyebrows. He thought Dustin was trying to be nice to him.

"D-Didn't take t-that long t-to go back to t-the way b-before." He muttered under his breath.

Dustin chuckled. "Yeah, it got old. Sorry."

Luke shook his head and sighed, trying to ignore him.

"Dustin, you need to beat 14.9." Luke snorted and tried to hold back his smirk. Dustin shot a glare at Luke and got down in ready stance as well.

"Alright! Ready, set," *Tweet* Mr. Hanely blew his whistle, sending the runners off. Luke ascended from the ground and began sprinting. He moved his arms and legs in sync with each other as he put himself ahead of Sam and Mark. Dustin was a few steps behind him, but slowly creeping up. Luke took long strides as he looked ahead of him the entire time, not once looking back. Before he knew it, he crossed the finish line and began taking deep breaths in and out.

The boy smiled when he heard Michael yell, "Yeah Luke! That's how you do it!" He shook his head and grinned at his boyfriend.

Dustin stood at the finish line, glaring at Luke, not liking that he lost to him again. Mr. Hanely walked up to Luke, looking at his stopwatch.
"You got 13.5. You're getting there, we might need to work on your start position. I think you're going up too fast."

Luke nodded, happy with the time for now. Dustin walked up to the coach and asked him what his time was.

Mr. Hanely looked at his other stopwatch. "Oh, looks like I didn't time yours. Sorry, Bud." Dustin breathed out in annoyance and stomped over to the other set of bleachers where Michael wasn't sitting.

Luke skipped over to Michael and sat down. Michael smiled at him and whispered, "Nice job, Babe."

Luke giggled and thanked him, and began telling him the details about trying to beat his record.

And as Luke explained the need for a better start position to his boyfriend, Dustin was thinking of a way to make Luke's life miserable.


Sorry this is so delayed I've been quite busy lately. Muke is so cute omg I love them!! and thank you for 200+ reads!! ily guys and I hope you're enjoying the story!

- Emily :)

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