Chapter 7

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After school, Luke sat on his bed, doing his homework. He just finished a factorial when his phone buzzed. He grabbed it from his side table smiled when he saw it was a text from Michael.

Mikey :): hey, I was wondering if you could come over so we could talk about what happened today

Luke's breath caught in his throat. He didn't  want Michael to regret everything they did. Luke enjoyed it and he thought Michael did as well.

Lukey: yeah, ok I'll be right over

Luke sighed. He was not looking forward to rejection, especially from Michael. He could already see the football team making fun of him for it and Dustin giving him an even harder time. Luke got up from bed and put his shoes back on. He walked to Michael's house, since he couldn't afford a car.

Luke arrived at Michael's house and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He waited a moment before the door opened. He let out a breath when he saw his mom, Karen.

"Hi Luke! I didn't know you were coming over!" she said happily, motioning him to come inside.

"Y-Yeah, M-Michael i-invited me o-over. I-I hope t-that's ok."

"Oh, it's fine, honey! Michael should be in his room."

Luke nodded. "T-Thank you."

Luke climbed the staircase and slowly made his way to Michael's room. He was nervous and his clammy hands were a dead give away. He knocked on his door and opened it after hearing a faint 'come in'.

He stuck his head through the opening and made his way into Michael's room. Michael was sitting up on his bed, previously on his phone. He gave Luke a faint smile and told him to sit down.

Luke hesitantly sat on the bed next to him. He criss-crossed his legs before looking up at Michael.

Michael looked like straight in his blue eyes.
"I just want to start off by saying that I don't regret a single thing we did yesterday. I just wanted to clear that up since you look like you're going to shit your pants." he laughed and Luke smiled a wide grin.

"T-That's g-good. I don't r-regret anything
e-either." he stuttered

Michael's smile faltered a little. "But I was wondering where it leaves us."

Luke shifted, he was starting to feel uncomfortable. He's never expressed his feelings to anyone before and he doesn't know what to say.

"W-Well I-I don't really w-want a-anything to change, I l-love being f-friends with you." Michael stiffened when Luke stuttered out the word 'friends'. He certainly did not want to be friends.

But Michael kept his thoughts to himself and replied, "If that's what you want, then we'll stay friends."

However, that was not what Luke wanted.


Luke ended up staying at Michael's house for the night, Michael claiming that friends have sleepovers all the time. Luke was about to change into clothes to sleep in when he realized he didn't bring any, considering the reason he came to Michael's was to be rejected. He quietly interrupted Michael from his video game.

"U-Um M-Michael?" he shifted his weight between his feet.

"Yeah?" he questioned, still focused on his game.

"I-I don't have a-any c-clothes, c-can I
b-borrow some?" Michael looked up at Luke and smiled.

"Yeah, of course. Come here." He got up from the bed and walked over to his dresser, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt that would be way too big for Luke.

He gave them to Luke and laid down on his bed again. Luke thanked him and closed the bathroom door. He quickly changed into Michael's very comfortable clothes, and basically swimming in his shirt. He opened the bathroom door and trudged over to Michael's bed. Michael glanced up at him and his breath stopped. Luke looked adorable in his oversized clothes. He could definitely get used to seeing his clothes on him more often. He patted the empty spot next to him, motioning for Luke to lay down. Luke pulled back the covers and buried himself deep under the duvet.

He turned his back towards Michael, not wanting to watch him play the gory video game. He closed his eyes and tried to let sleep overcome him. Although it was hard,  he finally felt himself drift into sleep. Before Luke could pull himself into his dreams, he felt an arm snake around his waist from behind. He opened his eyes abruptly but didn't move.

He whispered to Michael, "F-Friends d-don't do t-this."

Michael pulled him closer and whispered into the back of Luke's neck, "We don't have to be like normal friends."

And with that, Luke grabbed one of Michael's fingers in his grasp and closed his eyes. Luke was pulled under consciousness before he could hear Michael whisper,

"Although I'd prefer it if we were more than friends."


Muke is so cute I'm gonna cry :') 30 READS OMG THANK YOU SM!! I honestly didn't think this book would get 5 reads and I'm so so happy. I hope you guys are liking the story so far, I promise it'll get more into the track theme once/if Luke agrees to be on the track team ;)

- Emily :)

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