Chapter 10

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"No! P-P-Please s-stop!" Luke cried out in laughter as Michael dug his fingers into his sides. They were currently over Michael's house after school had ended. The boys were on Michael's bed doing their homework when Luke found himself underneath the boy, being tickled. He fought against Michael's hands, but he was too weak. Luke tried to push Michael away from him, getting a grip on his shoulders.

"M-Mike! S-Stop I'm gonna pe-e!" Michael's smirk widened and he continued to tickle the blonde. Luke's breathing stifled and soon he was taking in short breaths. Luke's eyes widened and started gasping.

"Mike!" Luke cried out, out of breath. Michael gasped and jumped off of him. He grabbed Luke's face and looked into his eyes with worry.

"Luke, are you ok? Look at me, just me." He whispered soothing words into his ear. Luke kept his gaze on Michael, and only Michael. His jade colored eyes calmed him down, and helped him focus on his breathing.

Michael observed Luke, "Are you alright? What was that all about?"

Luke breathed out. "I d-don't know," He paused to cough. "That's n-never h-happened before." Michael stared at the boy he liked with admiring eyes.

"Maybe you started hyperventilating or something." Luke shrugged and sat up against the head of the bed.

The red headed boy gave him a guilty look. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." He looked down into his lap. Luke grabbed his small hand and began to rub it in a comforting way.

"I know y-you didn't m-mean it, it's ok." Michael smiled at Luke's words.

"You're not stuttering as much around me. I like it." Luke gave him a small smile and looked down at his hand in Michael's.

"Not that I didn't like your stutter before! I just like that you're more comfortable around me." He explained after he noticed Luke's change in mood.

Luke laughed and his eyes squinted closed, making Michael's heart flutter. "I get i-it, Mike."

The older boy stared at Luke, mesmerized by his beauty. "I like it when you call me 'Mike' too." He muttered to himself, hoping Luke didn't hear him.

Luke did however, and smiled. He looked up at Michael and a wave of confident washed over him as he leaned in and pecked Michael on the lips. Michael was caught off guard and wasn't expecting that from the usually shy boy. Luke blushed and played with his fingers. Michael shook his head and laughed before he grabbed the back of Luke's head and smashed his lips against his own. Luke responded immediately, wrapping his arms tightly around Michael's neck. He gasped when Michael bit into his bottom lip, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Luke's mouth. He moaned into the kiss, sending vibrations through the blonde boy. Michael sat up without breaking the kiss, and flipped the boy over, so he was now on top. Michael was always a dominant person and now was no different.

They continued to make out, and Michael soon trailed his kisses to Luke's chin and then his neck. He left sloppy, wet kisses, trying to find his sweet spot. He knew he found it when Luke let out a soft moan. Michael groaned into Luke's neck as he continued to suck on the same spot, leaving a dark purple bruise, for Luke to show off later. Michael continued his kisses, stopping at his earlobe. He cheekily bit it, and Luke squealed. He smirked against his skin and started to leave a trail of pecks down his chest. He lifted his shirt up, and quickly started to suck another hickey on the boy's stomach. Luke groaned out, he wanted to feel Michael's lips on his again. He grabbed a handful of his hair and brought his back in front of his face. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed forever, both their breaths staggered.

Michael closed his eyes and tucked his head into Luke's neck, leaving soft kisses. "You have no idea what you do to me Luke Hemmings." He muttered out.

Luke grabbed his chin and pulled him in front of his gaze. He melted into his eyes before placing a single kiss on Michael's lips. He slowly pulled back and whispered, "I l-love what y-you do to me." He breathed out and smiled, loving the intimate moment between the special boy.

Michael closed his eyes and looked Luke in the eyes. "Luke.."

He looked up and breathed out. "Yes?"

"I like you. A lot." Michael blushed at his confession, and stared as Luke smiled.

"I-I like you too. A lot." He giggled and Michael internally groaned at his cuteness. He pecked the smaller boy on his pink lips and pulled back. He ran his hand through his messy hair.

Michael took a deep breath and closed his eyes before opening them. "I want to be more than this. I want to kiss you everyday, in public, in front of our friends. I want to be with you and I want you to be my boyfriend, Luke." Michael confessed as he poured his heart to the boy under him.

Luke blushed, his cheeks on fire as Michael spilled his feelings to him. He grabbed Michael's cheeks and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He smiled and whispered against the boy's mouth, "I'd love to be your b-boyfriend."

Michael grinned wide and gave Luke a wet kiss on the cheeks before pulling him up, so he could sit up straight. He wrapped his arms around Luke's waist and kissed the side of his head, burying his face into the blonde's neck. Luke hummed as he was engulfed by Michael. He loved the presence of him, and felt at peace whenever he was near him.

"Guess what?" Luke mumbled into Michael's red hair.

He breathed out, content with Luke's arm around him. "What?"

Luke smiled against Michael's head and said quietly, "You're my first boyfriend." He hid his face in Michael's neck in embarrassment.

Michael chuckled and sighed. He was glad he was Luke's first boyfriend. He couldn't imagine another boy touching him like the way he did. Or making the smaller boy smile the way he was able to.

Michael kissed Luke's temple and mumbled against it, "And I plan on being your last too."


Muke is so cute omg!! I hope their relationship isn't going too fast but it's unavoidable and the heart wants what the heart wants lol. Thank you guys for reading and I'll most likely update next week again, ily!!

- Emily :))

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