Chapter 9

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After the boys ate their breakfast and said their goodbyes to Michael's mother, they were off to school. As they walked, their hands accidentally brushed a couple of times. Luke blushed and folded his arms across his chest. He didn't know how Michael wanted to act around each other in public but he assumed they were going to act as friends.

When they got to school, Michael was taken away from Luke by his group of friends. Luke stared as Michael walked off without saying a goodbye. He frowned before continuing towards his locker.

He twisted his combination into the lock and opened the door, letting it swing back. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a hand stop the door from hitting the one next to it. He turned and his eyes met Dustin's untrusting ones. He had a smirk on his face as he looked Luke up and down.

Dustin stood in front of Luke as he held onto his backpack. "I saw you and Mike walk into school together, got anything to share?" Dustin's smirk grew even bigger.

Luke gulped and shook his head. "T-There's
n-nothing g-going on b-between us." Dustin narrowed his eyes before speaking again.

"You better be right. We don't need you turning Michael into a fag." Luke frowned and looked down at his shoes before nodding.

Dustin's eyes softened at the sigh of Luke but quickly hardened his glare before walking off to hang out with his friends before the first period bell rang. Luke grabbed the books he needed for his math class and shut his locker softly, not wanted to draw attention to himself. He clutched his books close to his chest and entered the classroom. Luke speed walked to his desk in the back and sat down, placing his books on his desk. He waited with his head down until the late bell rang and the teacher walked in. She started the class off by telling the students they would be doing a worksheet and they would be able to work with partners.

Luke sighed when he realized he would be working alone as per usual. He took a look at the worksheet that was due at the end of the class and mentally face palmed himself. He didn't understand anything on the paper. Luke didn't really pay attention when they were learning the basics of trigonometry. Luke was about to guess on the first problem when someone sat down in the desk next to him. He looked to the right and was shocked to see Dustin getting out a pencil. Once he fished one out of his bag he looked at Luke.

Dustin sighed, "Sorry about what I said to you earlier, and all the other times before that. I was a dick to you and there was no reason for it. I guess I just feel bad for how I make you feel everyday. Can we be partners for this and hopefully friends?"

Luke stared at him with wide eyes. How can he trust someone who made his high school year a living hell? Luke was silent, a part of him saying he couldn't trust his bully. The other half of Luke wanted to believe him, and have more than three friends. He got lonely at times and maybe Dustin could change.

Luke simply nodded his head with a slight smile and started on question one. Dustin gave him help when he needed, which was almost the whole paper, and didn't once utter a snarky comment. The boys finished their assignment right before the bell rang. Luke quickly gathered his things, wanting to get to the locker room before everyone, so he can change alone. As he was about to get up, he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. He turned around and knitted his eyebrows together.

"I-Is t-there a p-problem?" He stuttered out. Dustin shook his head. "No, I'll see you in gym." He gave the shy boy a smile and headed out of the classroom. Luke was still confused, but walked out the door.


Luke managed to get to the locker rooms before most of the class. He had to speed walk through the halls and avoid bumping into students, but he got there. Luke was changing his clothes in his corner, taking off his original shirt, which was actually Michael's. Luke smiled at the thought of Michael and was quickly replaced with a slight frown. He hadn't talked to Michael all day, and he didn't want to admit it, but he missed him. He missed his warm cuddles and soft stares. Luke longed for the touch of his fingertips and rough hands on his cheeks. His face heated with a blush at the thought of the boy's lips pressed against his.

Luke huffed and with a final tug upwards, his gym shorts were on. Luke peaked around the corner to see if there were half naked boys before walking out of the locker rooms.

When he got down to the fields and track, Luke shyly walked up to Mr. Hanely. He tapped the man on the shoulder and took a step back as he turned around.

Mr. Hanely smiled when he saw Luke. "What can I do for you, Luke?"

Luke took a breath, "I-I t-thought about y-your o-offer and I t-think I-I'll join the t-team."

Mr. Hanely sported a wide grin and patted Luke on the back. "That's great! We have an after school practice tomorrow if you want to come and get a feel for it, you know? If you like what you see, practices are Monday through Thursday."

Luke nodded and smiled. He was excited to finally be doing something since he started high school, and something he enjoyed.

"I'll be t-there Mr. H-Hanely, t-thank you again." Luke skipped to the bleachers where Michael, Ashton and Calum were sitting.

Michael glanced up at Luke and smiled. "You seem happy." Luke giggled, and Michael mentally awed. "I'm on the track team."

Michael got up from his seat and dramatically wrapped his arms around Luke's shoulders. "That's amazing Luke! I'm gonna come to every one of your meets and cheer so loud!"

Luke playfully groaned and pushed Michael off of him. He looked at Ashton as he began to speak. "Our school will actually win meets now." He said with a chuckle. Luke laughed loudly and shook his head.

Calum interrupted, "I heard Dustin was on the team, sorry about that." Luke frowned, remembering how Dustin acted towards him that morning. Maybe he turned over a new leaf and is actually changing his ways.

"I-It's ok. H-He's not t-that bad a-anymore." Michael gave Luke a look before sitting back on the bleachers. The blonde furrowed his eyebrows, "W-What are you d-doing? W-We're up n-next."

Michael shook his head. "We're doing the 400 meter today, I'm not doing that race." Luke nodded his head.

Mr. Hanely blew his whistle. "Alright, everyone! Get ready!" He walked up to Luke and said, "Do you want to try this one out? It's just one lap around the track." Luke nodded and smiled.

He got in the third lane, bent his knees and places the tips of his fingers on the rubbery track, getting into starting position. He turned to he right and saw Dustin doing the same. Dustin looked up at Luke and smiled.

"Good luck, Luke." He said before facing forward. Luke breathed out, not wanting to stutter.

"Good luck."


GUYS OMG 100+ READS?!?! THATS AMAZING THANK YOU SM!! I'm liking this story so far and it's gonna get better once Luke starts doing the track meets. I appreciate all the reads, comments and votes ilyasm :D

- Emily :))

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