Chapter 7

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Just mentions of the events of the last chapter .


That night changed a lot for both Daryl and Lorna, both scared for life. Physically and mentally.

Daryl hated himself for allowing his farther to abuse Lorna when he could have stopped it. He knew he could have, maybe he could have made the entire situation better by taking his fathers place, but then again Lorna could have denied him too, which in turn would have made it seem like he was the one raping her.

Every night since as he slept, his dreams would be plagued by the sound of her cries, the look on her face, her gentle sobs she let out as he cradled her in his arms as they sat huddled together on the cold tile floor of the steam filled bathroom.

After what had happened Daryl had stayed by her side until the moment he was dragged out of the house by his drunken father.

He helped her clean in the shower, making sure she was free of the scent of his father, that there was no physical evidence of him violating her.

He helped her out and dried her body. She would jump and jolt at his touch but he took no offence to it and continued with the task, trying his best to respect her by not leering or focusing on any certain part of her body for too long.

After drying her, he helped her stand on unsteady legs and dressed her in the comfiest clothes he could find in her closet.

Her tears never stopped the entire time, no matter how many times he wiped them away, more would replace them.

He began to worry as he guided her to her room. He didn't want her to be scared of him or think he was like his father.

He made sure to make it as obvious as possible that he only wanted to help her. He kept the door wide open and allowed her to drift into the room and lay down on her bed.

She curled up, wrapping her arms around her legs, bringing her knees to her chest. She began to sob once again, so hard it shook her entire body. She squeezed her eyes shut but the tears found their way out and down her cheeks, onto the soft cushion under her head.

Daryl hadn't been sure what to do, he wondered if maybe he should just leave her while another part wondered if maybe she needed comfort.

He had never comforted anyone before. He didn't even know how to comfort anyone, especially not a girl who had just been raped by his own father.

"L-Lorna..." He said unsure as to what to say next.

"Don't leave me." She cried.

His chest ached at her words and he slowly entered the room, shutting the door to block out the obnoxious laughing coming from down the stairs from their fathers.

"I-I don't do I?" He sighed unsure what needed to be said. "What do you need?" He settled with.

"Lay with me." She said quietly. "Please."

He felt uncomfortable with what she wanted but how could he deny her? How could he say no?

He blamed himself, he believed the entire situation was caused because of him, because he was a coward, not man enough to even have sex with a girl, to prevent her being raped by his father.

He walked around the bed to the opposite side, it was small but could easily fit their bodies on.

He laid down on his back staring at the ceiling unsure of what to do next until he felt her arm come over and tug his own pulling him onto his side and against her.

She silently told him what to do with her actions.

He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back against him.

As much as the touch made him uncomfortable he held her tightly as she cried.

At some point her crying stopped and he figured she had exhausted herself and had fallen to sleep.

He didn't dare move in case he woke her. He knew her dreams probably wouldn't be good ones and was likely to wake sooner rather than later so he stayed still, keeping his grip around her body tight. He wasn't just afraid of letting go incase she woke up. He was afraid that if he let go that his touch wouldn't protect her. He felt that with his arms wrapped around her that she had an extra barrier protecting her from the cruel reality of what had happened just a few hours before.

He himself began to drift off, unconsciously burying his face into the back of her neck, and entwining his fingers with hers.

She stirred slightly and snuggled back against him.

Their moment of comfort was cut far too short when the door shot open, banding against the wall, leaving a dint where the handle hit, as Will Dixon almost fell into the room, drunk of his ass.

The smell of alcohol followed him as he moved towards the bed grabbing Daryl by his shirt and clumsily dragging him from the bed waking Lorna in the process.

The rest was a blur, he could briefly remember Lorna screaming when she saw Will, a sharp hit around his face, the feel of warm sticky blood running down his cheek and his fathers dangerous driving back home.

He woke up still in his fathers truck, slouched uncomfortably over the front seat.

He hadn't seen Lorna since. His father had stayed in all weekend meaning Daryl was unable to leave the house.

Now it was Monday and Daryl could only hope he saw Lorna at school.

He wanted, no needed to make sure she was okay.



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