Chapter 35

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Lorna and Daryl stood side by side, grasping each other's hand tightly as the small baby blue coffin was lowered into the ground.

Lorna didn't really listen to what was said, she just stared at the small silver plaque on the top.

She had refused to chose a name for him at first, she believed giving him a name made it all too real, but she soon realised that whether she gave her child a name or not, it was still going to break her heart, and there was no way she would ever forget him.

Eventually she asked Daryl to help her decide. He instantly came up with a name for him.


He seemed so sure of it when he said it. She agreed, she loved the name and that's what they chose to name their son.

Now some may think that your child surname is set in stone when they're born, it should be the fathers right? Or maybe the mothers if the father isn't around or is unknown, but for Lorna and Daryl, neither wanted their son to be associated with their family names, especially at that time.

So Oliver James, was made the final decision.

Lorna took her eyes from the coffin and looked around at the people that had gathered to support her and Daryl. She was surprised to say the least.

The entire Greene family was there, even Shaun and Anette. Rick and Merle stood by Daryl's side and Maggie  and Glenn stood by her own.

There was no real family there, no blood relatives, but they weren't needed.

Lorna knew her mother was watching over her, she just hope that she wasn't frowning upon her.

Everyone soon began to disperse leaving just Daryl and Lorna.

He gave Lorna the silence she needed, only letting her know he was still beside her with a squeeze of his hand.

Eventually she wrapped her arms around his and snuggled into his side. He wasn't sure if she was crying or not, but he held her tightly and allowed her the time she needed, he wasn't going to push her to leave, if she wanted to spend the rest of the day there, he would be right by her side every minute.

"Daryl..." She eventually said against his shoulder.

"Yeah princess?" He asked.

"Can we go home?"

"Of course." He replied.

He wrapped his arm around her waist as they slowly began to walk away.

When they arrived home, it was silent. Lorna said nothing as she took of he jacket and hung it up.

She stood in the middle of the lounge and looked around with her hands on her hips.

"What are you thinking princess?" Daryl asked.

"I think it's time for a change." She said.

"Oh yeah?" He asked wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. "What are you thinking?" He asked.

"I think we should get new everything." She stated. "I want this to look like a completely different house inside and out."

"You know? I think that's a perfect idea." He said, kissing her cheek.

"Good." She nodded firmly.

He knew she was trying to hide the fact that all she wanted to do was burst into tears, but he wasn't going to push her into crying her eyes out on his shoulder, not yet anyway. As she had said before, she had her time to say goodbye and grieve during the three days she was trapped in the basement, but he knew there was more there to let out and if he saw it getting to much for her, that's when he would intervene, but for now he just wanted to see her smile again and if that meant hauling furniture around and painting the house bright pink, he would.

Later that night while laying in bed was when it all hit Lorna the most. She had been crying into Daryl's chest for over an hour, he never complained, he never felt annoyed, he simply comforted her the best he could.

Her tears were no more, she just laid staring up at his face, stroking his cheek with her warm finger tips.

"I love you so much Daryl Dixon." She whispered.

"I love you so much too princess." He replied, smiling down at her.

"Do you think we'll do it?" She asked.

"Do what?" He asked in reply as he held her hand and entwined their fingers.

"Make it to the end, grow old and happy together?" She asked.

"I don't think we will." He stated making her frown for a moment. "I know we will."

Her frown turned to a slight smile. "I hope so."

"We will." He assured her. "Now get some sleep missy, you need it."

"Night Daryl." She whispered.

"Night Lorna."


Two more chapters and then the sequel!

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