Chapter 36

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Daryl watched with a smile on his face as Lorna hummed along to the music playing on the radio while painting their bedroom wall.

The last few weeks since Oliver's funeral had been spent buying furniture, throwing the old out and bringing in the new, putting it all together, all while decorating and reflooring the entire house. When Lorna said she wanted to change it all, he didn't think she meant literally, but she had gone way out, the house barely looked the same on the inside. Not that he was complaining. It looked more like a home. Their home.

When Daryl had first heard about the money Lorna received from her father, he had been reluctant to even think about using it, but Lorna was able to make the best of it.

Their bedroom was currently being painted cream, with a light grey carpet. Lorna had chosen the biggest bed in the store, with lots of throw pillows and cosy comforter even though it was definitely not needed due to the sweltering heat in Georgia at the time. She was happy and that's all that mattered to him.

They had brought a new dresser and bedside tables with simply lamps to go on top.

Daryl didn't really care what the room was like. It was where he slept and he doubted anyone, but them would be in there to see it if it was a mess or not, but again the smile on Lorna's face, made him keep his opinions to himself.

Daryl was finishing up putting the new blinds up in their bedroom window.

The pair smiled at each other briefly before going back to their task.

"You all done?" Daryl asked a short while later, noticing that Lorna had put down the paint brush and was laying flat on the bed.

She nodded.

"Well we can't do much now until they finish down stairs." He grumbled as he laid beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the top of her head.

Maggie, Glenn and Rick had organised between themselves to sort the downstairs decorating and putting together of furniture, allowing Lorna and Daryl to concentrate on the upstairs. Neither knew what to expect when they walked down stairs, but they were both pleasantly surprise to see that the house hadn't been turned into a bomb site. The walls had all been painted with pictures hung up and furniture pieced together. There was even a vase of flowers on the coffee table in the lounge. Maggie's added touch of course.

"This is amazing. Thank you all so much." Lorna grinned.

Daryl stood back and watched with his own smile spread across his features.

He felt silly thinking about how much he was in love with her, but he couldn't help it. He had never believed in the one, or the love of your life, but now, he was starting to rethink that.

He could see a future with Lorna, a long and happy one.

Once their three friends had left Daryl and Lorna settled onto their new couch, cuddling against each other.

"Now what?" Lorna asked randomly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

She shrugged.

"No, come on tell me." He urged.

"Well, don't you feel a bit upset about not actually graduating high school?" She asked.

He sighed and shrugged. "Not really, hated the damn place." He mumbled.

"I know, me too, but what are we going to do now? Most people will be going to college and stuff and we'll be what?" She asked.

"Snuggling in our new bed." He smirked.

She grinned, but shook her head. "I mean, I know we have money now that will last us, but we can't just sit around doing nothing. Don't we need jobs or something?" She asked.

He shrugged. "I guess, bet no one will hire us though. Like you said we ain't even finished high school." He mumbled.

She sighed and snuggled against his chest. "I guess so."

"We could still finish high school, just not the preferred way." He stated. "If that's what you want?"

"I guess. It'll keep me busy for a while anyway. I have a hell of a lot to catch up on." She stated.

"Not your fault princess."

She sighed. "I guess not."

"Come on, let's go to bed, just want to cuddle ya all night." He grinned.

"You're a big softie you know that Daryl Dixon."

He grumbled. "It's your fault."

She chuckled.

"Wait what?" Merle asked in surprise. It had been a few months since Lorna and Daryl's talk of finishing high school and now Daryl was proudly telling Merle that he had completed high school with the help of online classes. He had been able to finish fairly quickly, even quicker than Lorna. He had surprised himself, he knew it wasn't a great deal to some, many would even say he still hadn't finished properly, but he was proud of himself.

"I've finished high school." He repeated.

"What for? I didn't and look where I am." Merle said waving his arms around the dingy, damp and dust covered apartment.

"Yeah, great." Daryl mumbled.

"Whatcha gone and done that for anyway?" Merle asked shaking his head.

"Want a good life for me and Lorna. We've been discussing some stuff, we're going to start a business."

"Christ, look at you, a fancy house with flower patches and now a business.oooh." Merle mocked in a girly voice.

"Shut up. You're just jealous." Daryl huffed.

"Yeah I am actually." He sucked. "Tested the good yet baby brother, that's what I really want to know. I'm sick of hearing about colour schemes and new fancy rugs you bought."

"Tested the goods?" Daryl asked frowning.

"Yeah, you got your dick wet yet or are you waiting for marriage to loose your virginity?" He chuckled.

"Shut the hell up man! I ain't going to push her into shit, wait a damn lifetime If I have too, you seem to be forgetting what she's not long since been through." Daryl snapped before storming out of the apartment.

"She's turned you soft!" Merle shouted back, but the slamming of the door was all he got in response.

"Need to get laid." He mumbled to himself.


I know nothing about American high schools and I basically just made majority of that up with the brief help of a friend over in the states. 😂 so if it sound stupid you can blame him.

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