Chapter 14

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"We have most of our lessons together today, so that's good." Daryl commented as he and Lorna made their way into school.

She hummed in response as she glanced around at the other students.

"Is it me, or is everyone staring at us?" She whispered.

Daryl looked around and noticed that most people, especially those in their year, were indeed looking at them.

"Got a problem assholes?" He snapped at a group who began to whisper as they walked by. The stopped when he snapped at them before scurrying away.

"Why do you think they're looking at us?" Lorna asked Daryl worriedly.

"I've got a damn good idea." Daryl muttered as he stated angrily ahead.

Lorna followed his line of sight and noticed he was glaring at Shane Walsh who was sporting a huge grin.

"I'll knock that look right off his stupid face if he carries on." Daryl seethed.

"And I would happily hold your handbag and earrings, but do we really need to draw any more attention to ourselves?" She whisper-shouted.

He sighed and glared at Shane as they walked by. "I guess not." He mumbled.

Unfortunately for them, Shane had other ideas.

"Looks like you and you're girlfriend are the talk of the school." Shane smirked.

"Oh and I wonder why that is?" Daryl hissed.

Shane laughed. "I'd be careful if I was you, you might get arrested for being a cradle snatcher like your daddy." Shane laughed.

Daryl went to lunge at Shane but a tall, skinny brunette got in his way, kicking Shane right between his legs.

"Hey asshole, why don't you play at being a big boy some place else, you ain't fooling anyone. You and your disease ridden snake are not wanted around her!" She shouted in a thick southern accent.

"Woah, Maggie calm down." A Korean boy intervened, as everyone looked down at Shane who was rolling around the floor cradling his crotch.

Maggie huffed and turned to Daryl and Lorna who had shock written all over their faces.

"Hi, I'm Maggie Greene." She said sweetly, her attitude changing in seconds.

"Hershel's daughter?" Daryl asked and she nodded.

"W-why did you do that?" Lorna asked, slightly intimidated by her.

"I heard what he said, it wasn't right in any way. I know partly what's been happening between you two. Don't worry my lips are sealed, but you looked like you needed a hand and from what I've heard you don't need the drama." She explained.

"O-oh...w-well thank you. I hope you won't get into trouble." Lorna said.

Maggie shrugged. "Nah, his prides dented enough without the whole town knowing his was beaten by a such good girl." She chuckled and winked as she looked back at Shane who was being dragged away by Rick and a brunette.

"Damn good kick you gave him girl." Daryl whistled.

"She can be scary when she wants to be." The Korean boy spoke up.

Maggie glared at him and he backed off. "That's Glenn, my boyfriend."

Lorna and Daryl just nodded.

"Well thank you again, we owe you." Lorna said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you around." Maggie smiled before linking her arm with Glenn's and strutting down the hallway proudly.

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