Chapter 26

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"Just start from the beginning and calm down. There is no use in working yourself up like this." Maggie said softly as she bandaged up Daryl's hand.

She, Daryl and Glenn were sat in the back of the library where no one was around.

Daryl was just staring down at his battered hand, fighting off the urge to start crying in front of Maggie and Glenn.

His chest physically ached even more than his busted hand.

"She...I...I don't even know." Daryl stammered. He sounded and looked heartbroken.

"Just explain how you found out Lorna had disappeared." Maggie suggested.

"I came home from seeing Mrs Peletier, I was trying to get some better information about adoption for Lorna..." He sighed as wiped his eyes with his good hand. "When I got back she was just gone...all her stuff too. She didn't even leave a note, she didn't wait to say goodbye! She didn't even care enough to tell me why!" He said, his voice getting louder and the tone angrier as he spoke.

"Right, so Lorna just upped and left, taking all her belongings, without even telling you?" Maggie asked.

Daryl nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

Maggie looked to Glenn who just shrugged his shoulders and continued reading his comic.

"Are you sure?" She asked carefully.

Daryl scoffed. "Oh yeah, I'm so stupid, that I didn't notice the girl I loved was actually laying in bed beside me last night. I'm so stupid that I thought she had done a runner when really she's about to walk through those doors with a smile on her face." He snapped as he stood up from his chair.

"I didn't mean it like that." Maggie said rolling her eyes. "I just mean, are you sure she left willingly?" She asked.

Daryl sat down slowly. "I hadn't thought of that." He admitted guiltily.

"Then maybe you should. I don't know everything that's been happening in yours or Lorna's life, but I do know it's bad, I know Mr White is a bad man. Maybe he planned this and tried to make it look like she had left willingly so that you would feel this way and run back to your father." Maggie suggested.

"Shit!" Daryl hissed. "What do I do?" He asked, panicked.

"Go to his house?" Glenn suggested.

"He will kill me. He beat the shit out of me when he last saw me." Daryl sighed.

"I could do it." Glenn stated.

Maggie and Daryl looked at him confused.

"I have a part time job delivering pizza." He said.

"And?" Daryl asked.

"I'm on shift tonight."

Daryl sighed. "Get to the point chinaman."

"I'm Korean!" He stated as Maggie spoke. "He's Korean."

Daryl rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Details, details. My girls in danger here."

Glenn sighed and began to explain. "While on one of my deliveries I will "accidentally" go to the wrong house. That wrong house will be Lorna's fathers. Obviously I won't be able to have a look around the house to see if she's locked up anywhere, but i could casually ask why Lorna wasn't at school. Get where I'm going with this?" Glenn asked.

"That's brilliant." Maggie grinned, kissing him on the cheek.

Glenn blushed. "Thanks. I'm pretty great ain't I?" He asked.

"Yes you are baby." Maggie cooed.

"Okay, okay. Save the mushy shit for when you're alone. Meet back here at lunch and sort out the plans." Daryl snapped.

"Alright! Don't worry. We will get your girl back." Maggie smiled. "And we are here to help. Think of us as your own private detectives." She grinned.

"You'd look great in a police uniform." Glenn blurted out before slapping his hand over his mouth.

Maggie grinned and skipped away as Daryl cringed at the sight.

"If I ever get Lorna back I will make sure we never turn into that." He mumbled to himself as he made his way out of the library.

Lorna awoke to the feeling of hands roaming across her body and hot breath hitting her neck. Suddenly a heavy weight pressed against her and she knew what was happening. Her body was to weak to fight, her eyes unable to open. Her mouth was dry from the gag that hadn't been removed since she arrived, her wrists and ankles sore and aching from the chains pinching at her skin.

"Be a good girl." Will whispered.

Daryl and Maggie hid at the end of Blake Whites street as they watched Glenn drive down on his scooter.

The street was dark and illuminated by just one light, making it difficult to see what was happening by the house.

"Do you think she's in there?" Daryl asked Maggie.

Maggie sighed. "In a way, I hope she's not."

Daryl shot her a look.

"Hear me out." She said before he could snap at her. "If she's not in there then there's more of a chance that she's safe. If she is in there though...anything could be happening to her.."

Daryl nodded simply before turning his attention back to the scooter that was heading towards them.

Glenn parked up by the side of the road and took of his helmet.

"Well?" Daryl asked urgently.

"Well he nearly punched me for ringing the doorbell to many times."

Maggie gasped. "Oh my poor-"

"Lorna! Focus on Lorna!" Daryl hissed.

"I tried to look in the house the best I could. No sign of Lorna. When I mentioned that she hadn't been at school he seemed genuinely surprised and blurted out that he hadn't seen her in weeks before shouting at me to get off his land." Glenn explained.

"So if she's not with him, where is she?" Maggie asked no one in particular.

Daryl shrugged. "Maybe she really did just leave me." He sighed.

"She loves you though. She wouldn't do that to you, not after everything you've been through." Maggie said.

Daryl's shook his head. "Clearly meant more to me than it did her. She left me, just like everyone else does." He shrugged. "I'll get over it...someday." He said before walking away down the empty street.


Poor Daryl :(


Also check out Used & Abused (Original story) not based around TWD world.

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