Chapter 21

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Different point of view for the first part of this chapter. 😉

Please read the authors note at the end!


"You're a big man when you're boasting about how many girls you can get, yet you can't get your hands on that piece of trash!" He snapped angrily.

The teen shook in his seat. The angry glare coming from the man before him was truly terrifying.

"I-I'm sorry...he's always there, always by her side." The teen said shakily.

The fierce man put his hands on the arms of the chair, leaning forwards. The teen could feel the man's breath against his face, the smell of cigarettes and whiskey was almost enough to make him vomit.

"Then you get rid of him or do the normal thing and approach her when she's weak and alone. He can't be by her side twenty-four-seven." The man spat.

The teen coward and turned his head to the side so he didn't have to look into the angry eyes of the man before him.

"He doesn't leave her, he's got super protective ever since everyone found out about-"

"About what boy! Speak up!" The man snapped.

"About the baby. Everyone knows...everyone." He stammered.

The man laughed. "Aw, well ain't that sweet. Are they all congratulating that pussy?" The man asked. He scoffed. "Little shit doesn't even know what his dicks for!"The man laughed. "Wanna know who really got that piece of trash pregnant?"

The teen shook in the spot.

"It was me. I got her pregnant and I need her back."

The teen gasped.

"You bring her to me and I'll make sure you keep both your legs. Understood?" The man asked.

The teen nodded his head rapidly. "W-what will you do to her?" He asked.

The man smirked. "Don't worry, I'll keep her safe and put her to use until she has the baby. Then that pussy can have her back."

"What do you mean "put her to use"?" The teen asked daringly.

"Why? Do you want in? Do you want to see her in the way I saw her? Desperate, scared, screaming and crying?" The man sniggered.

"N-No, of course not." The teen stuttered.

He smirked. "You should do. It's real fun, maybe I'll invite you around for a turn, but only if you bring her to me of course."

"Why don't you just leave her be? What do you want her baby for?" The teen asked curiously. He should know his curiosity would get him into trouble.

"Haven't you heard? Many people want babies.." The man chuckled. "And as that child is mine, i get to decide what happens to the little brat."

"So adoption...she could do that.."

The man stepped back and laughed. "Yeah but she wouldn't get a penny for it. This way I get what I'm owed. Her getting knocked up, fucked up my deal. I'm owed big time. Now do as I say or I'll make sure you never walk or speak again."

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