Chapter 16

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Sorry I haven't been replying to comments. Busy, busy, busy! But, thank you so much for voting + commenting, I hope you're all enjoying the story!


After the night of Lorna's confession Daryl barely let her out of his sight. He wanted to trust her and believe her when she said she wouldn't do it again but there was apart of him that worried. He worried that if they did run out of money she would sneak out and do the same thing, only she wouldn't come back. The thought of her getting hurt by those men scared him.

The three weeks since had been silent between the pair. Daryl observed her, watched her every move in and out of school. She was quiet and no longer smiled even when he tried to make a joke. She always looked so pale too and was often so deep in thought that she didn't even know he was watching her.

It was when they were getting ready for the day that she spoke to him. She rarely said more than two words to him most days.

"Hey Daryl?" She called from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Can I borrow one of your shirts?" She asked nervously.

"Um..I guess, but why?" He asked.

"All my shirts are super tight, I just want something a bit baggy."

He frowned. "They ain't tight."

"Well they are now." She huffed.

"Fine, I'll be back in a minute." He said before he went rummaging through his untidy pile of clothes in the corner of the room. He was simply glad she was talking again.

"I'm guess you want something with sleeves?" He called out to her.

"Obviously, we don't all like to show off our arms."

He smirked and picked up one of his plaid shirts. He smelt it to make sure it was clean before taking it to the bathroom.

"Here." He said as he pushed open the door slightly and handed it her without looking. "It's clean." He mumbled. He wanted to say something about her talking again but it seemed better not to, incase she decided to give him the silent treatment again.

"Thank you Daryl."

"You're welcome." He replied. "I'll meet you downstairs."

"Alright." She called back.

When Lorna finally made her way downstairs, Daryl couldn't keep his eyes from her.

She was wearing his shirt, which was far too big, with the top four buttons undone with a black undershirt, she had rolled the sleeves up to her elbows and she wore simple black leggings and her usual flat black shoes. She had allowed her long jet black hair to dry naturally in waves, she didn't wear make up and she definitely didn't need it.

"You alright?" She asked waving her hand in front of his face.

He blushed and looked down at his hands. "Y-you look nice." He stammered.

It was her turn to blush. "Thanks." She chuckled. "I need some new clothes though, I think I'll be stealing your clothes more often. They're really comfy."

He smirked. "Anytime. You look better in my shirt than I do."

She did a twirl. "I know." She joked.

He chuckled. "Come on, we need to get to school or we will be late."

School was the same as always and soon they both found themselves back home.

Daryl, although his cooking abilities were not as good as Lorna's, was cooking dinner while she showered, after slipping in mud on her way towards the house.

As Lorna got out of the shower and shimmied into a fresh set of clothes she couldn't help but notice how her bottoms were no longer loose around her waist. It wasn't tight enough to be concerned, however she hadn't thought she had been eating anymore than she usually did.

As she looked at herself in the small mirror, she couldn't help but zone in on the lower half of her stomach, right above her trouser line, which was poking out slightly. It felt hard to the touch and was fairly noticeable under her tight tank tops which had been her reason for wearing Daryl's shirt that morning.

"He's feeding me too much crap." She grumbled to herself as she made her way to the kitchen.

The smell was divine and her stomach grumbled in anticipation however as nice as the smell was, it was also making her want to vomit, badly.

"What are you cooking?" She asked, she couldn't help but pull as face as she looked into the pot. It certainly didn't look as nice as it smelt.

"Rabbit stew...sort off. I kinda mixed things into a pot and hoped for the best." He said shrugging his shoulders. He didn't even look back at her as he continued to stir the gloopy concoction.

"I don't think....I want any.." Lorna mumbled before quickly shooting off to the bathroom with Daryl following shortly behind.

She felt his large hand rub circles over her back while the other pulled her hair back from her face.

"This is twice you've been sick over my cooking. I'm starting to become offended." He joked as she wiped her mouth.

"Sorry." She whispered, she wasn't apologising because of what he said, she knew he was joking,but realisation had began to set in. It wasn't Daryl's cooking that was making her feel this way.

"Hey its fine. I was only kidding." He said as he placed his hand on her cheek.

She smiled weakly and pressed into his hand.

Later that night while laying in bed, Lorna couldn't help but rest her hand over the solid bump on her lower stomach.

"Are you sure you are well enough to go to school?" Daryl asked Lorna as they made their way to the truck. She had been sick again that morning.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'd rather not hang around here alone anyway." She mumbled.

"Alright, well if you decide you want to during the day just come and find me."

She nodded her head as they approached the truck. He helped her inside before finally getting in himself.

Lorna closed her eyes and leant her head back against the seat as Daryl started the truck only he didn't drive.

When she opened her eyes, she finally saw why.

Stood before them where two very angry looking men.

Their fathers to be precise.


So I'm guessing you all know what's wrong with Lorna?


And before anyone starts saying "this doesn't happen this early" blah blah blah! I've been through this(Lorna's prob), I know exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks 👍

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