Chapter 25

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Daryl Dixon wasn't one to cry, through the death of his mother, the beatings and mean words from his father, being left by Merle, being teased and beaten by bullies, he didn't cry.

Well he didn't think he did, but that night after Lorna left Daryl found himself wrapped up in the blankets that smelt strongly of her. He just laid their staring up at the ceiling not knowing what to do with himself, he wasn't able to sleep.

His mind was working overtime, trying to work out why she would leave him without saying goodbye, without leaving even a note.

He felt the stinging behind his eyes as he thought of her, as he wondered what she was doing, who she was staying with.

Maybe she had left him for another guy who could take care of her better?

That thought right there, was what turned his anger into heartache. His eyes flooded with salty tears.

He had never thought he would find love, he didn't think he was even capable of feeling it until he met Lorna. Granted the feelings didn't appeared straight away. In fact the very first conversation he had with her had made him hate her for a day or two, but then he saw who she really was.

He had seen her at her lowest, she was suppose to trust him, he had never done anything to make her believe she couldn't. So why would she just leave?

Was it the baby? Did she believe he wouldn't support her?

Maybe it's because he had left to see Mrs Peletier...had she assumed he wasn't returning?

So many unanswered questions!

Daryl spent the rest of the night in the same position, trying to convince himself that there was a reasonable explanation as to what was happening, as to why she had decided to leave him.

Daryl's assumptions couldn't be any further from the truth.

Lorna woke up shaking violently, laying on cold, hard floor, unable to move her body due to the restraints.

She has no idea where she was, the room was dark, damp and dusty. The only sound was her heavy breathing as she began to panic, struggling against the chains.

She wanted to scream out for help, but a piece of cloth was gagging her.

She screamed through the gag, but it was muffled and no use.

Her body sagged as the energy left her body and she was soon fighting another battle to stay awake.

The next time she woke up it was too heavy footsteps getting closer and closer. She was still chained and gagged, unable to see around the pitch black room.

She could hear the heavy breathing of her captor before the stench of stale booze and cigarettes filled the air around her. It was a familiar smell and she knew exactly who was behind it all.

A light buzzed over her, illuminating the room. She had to squeeze her eyes shut, unable to adjust to the bright light.

Lorna heard the all too familiar, evil chuckle.

"Nice to see you again." Will Dixon said, smirking. He looked down at Lorna, with a look of disgust on his face. "Been a bad girl, haven't you?" He asked as he knelt on the floor beside her shaking body.

He ran his hand down her cheek, across the noticeable scar he had made.

She flinched at his touch and tugged at the restrains, but she simply couldn't get away.

His hand began to travel across her jaw and down her neck.

"Mmm...such soft skin." He whispered against her skin. His warm, putrid smelling breath hitting her neck and face.

His hand left her body for just a second before he worked its way under her shirt, caressing her stomach.

"Still sexy..." He growled as he bit down on her collarbone.

She screamed out loud, the gag doing its job in muffling it.

As his hand grasped at her breast a door slammed above them.

"Dammit." He growled and removed his hand from her body. "I'll be back to finish this off later." Will stated as he stood up to leave.

"So where is he?" An unfamiliar voice asked loudly from the room above Lorna.

"Who are you talking about?" Will Dixon snarled.

"My brother, where Daryl? In his room?" The other man asked.

Lorna was surprised. She didn't even know Daryl had a brother.

"He left." Will replied simply.

"What do you mean, he left? Where to?" The other man exclaimed in surprise.

"Ran off with some bitch, didn't he." Will spat coldly.

The other man whistled. "Didn't think he had it in him." He laughed. "So you have no idea where he is?"

"Sill in Georgia, hauled up in one of the Greenes properties." Will explained.

As the conversation continued, Lorna found her eyes dropping once again, she fought to keep them open, but failed.

Shane Walsh watched as Daryl entered the school, his eyes focused on the floor as everyone watched him enter.

Daryl often got people's attention, mainly for his attitude or the latest gossip that was circling around about him or his family, but right now their attention was on the fact that he looked at complete state.

His hair flopped over his forehead and almost reached his puffy, red, watering eyes. His knuckles were covered in dried blood from punching the wall at home repeatedly after finding an item of Lorna's clothing while getting ready for school. His shirt was button up wrong and only half way, and tucked half into his ripped up, dirt covered jeans.

It was Glenn and Maggie that approached him. Both gasping at the sight.

"Daryl, what happened?" Glenn asked.

"Where's Lorna?" Maggie asked, panic evident in her voice.

Daryl just shook his head and tried to walk away.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" Maggie shouted, gaining even more attention to the trio.

"I don't know!" Daryl shouted, his voice cracking. "She left me! She fucking left me.." His voice getting weaker as he spoke. "She just left."

Maggie's face softened. "Come on, let's talk about this somewhere private." She said gently before turning her attention back to the on lookers. "Mind your own business!" She snapped.

Glenn chuckled nervously. "Sorry...that's my girlfriend." He said before turning quickly on his heel and running down the corridor after Maggie and Daryl.

Shane had never been fond of Daryl, but he couldn't shake off the guilty feeling.



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